Configuration - MatKarp/Javascript-Training GitHub Wiki


Sing on Github: Link

  • Use real name, surname and email that contains them.

Clone Git repository: Link

  • Chose or create folder for project f.e. "C:/Workspace/".

  • Go inside folder and on empty space press right mouse button and from context menu chose "Git Bash here".

  • Configure Git in command line. Link
    git config --global "John Doe"
    git config --global [email protected]

  • Generate pair of ssh keys(this is for Github repository to recognize your computer). Link
    cat ~/.ssh/
    Copy everything from here and paste your public key to Github/top right profile icon/Settings/SSH and GPG keys/New SSH key (title is irrelevant).

  • Clone project to local folder
    Open command line in project folder.
    git clone [email protected]:MatKarp/Javascript-Training.git
    Now you should have cloned all the files in your local repository.