Temperature - Masstrix/Eternal-Nature GitHub Wiki
The temperature config stores all the temperature data for a world. This includes blocks, weather, clothing and other modifiers.
Temperatures in this config are emission modifiers, meaning it will add or subtract. If your temperature was 13 and you held an item with an emission of -3, your temperature would decrease to 10.
General Options
direct-sun-amplifier: 1.3
cave-modifier: 0.7
global-scalar: 4
biome-default-temp: 13
This section stores general options for this config. These options are applied across the whole world and are not dependent on specific factors like data values.
Direct Sun Amplifier
Sets how much a players temperature is amplified when in direct sunlight. A value of 1 will do nothing, where the default value 1.3 will make direct sunlight 30% stronger.
Cave Modifier
Sets the modifier for when a player is inside a cave. This is by default set to be a cooler temperature to make caves a easier place to cool down in if a player gets to hot.
Global Scalar
Int value. This is the falloff factor for the blocks emission. The larger this is the larger it's emission area is amplifying it's temperature impact. It's recommended keeping the values between 0 and 10.
Biome Default Temp
If a biome is not set in the biomes data section then this temperature will be used. It's recommended to keep this value at an acceptable temperature that is average for the world the config is for.
Data Section
This section of the config stores all the temperature data assigned to blocks, biomes, environmental factors and items. Below is each section of this broken down.
Weather is stored as a single int value modifier. This is applied during a weather event.
clear: 0
rain: -5
storm: -8
Biomes allow for a few of different ways of configuring them. A single exact value, an exact time based value, or a preset time value by name. Setting different temperatures for the time of day makes biomes temperatures slowly change during the day night cycle allowing for more realistic biome temperatures.
Biome names by default will be an exact match. But if you want to group multiple biomes together to all use the same setting you can add a star *
to the end of its name.
Example of naming
ocean: 10
This will only use the biome "ocean"
ocean*: 10
This will include all ocean biomes
warm_ocean*: 18
This will override the above ocean and ocean* to affect lukewarm_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, warm_ocean and deep_warm_ocean since they are all a closer match to warm_ocean.
Single Exact Time
nether: 20
This is the most simple way to set a biomes temperature. This will ignore the time of day and simply set a constant temperature for the biome.
List of Exact Times
0: 10
18000: 3
Using an exact time allows for you to add as many temperatures to a specific time of day. The time is set as time: temperature
as shown above. The time can range between 0 and 24000, any number larger or lower than this will be ignored.
morning: 10
mid_night: 3
Using presets is an easy intuitive way to assign a temperature to the time of day.
- morning/sunrise
- mid_day/day
- dusk/afternoon
- mid_night/night
ocean: 10
frozen_ocean: -10
morning: 10
mid_day: 18
dusk: 15
mid_night: 12
Blocks work in a similar way to biomes have a couple ways to assign a temperature. You can either assign an single value as shown with the torch
and redstone_torch
below, or assigning a custom falloff/scalar for the block. The falloff will override the global-scalar
in options allowing for blocks to have a different strength of emission.
torch: 10
emission: 2
emission: 20
falloff: 5
emission: -1.8
falloff: 2
Any item put on the players armour slots will use the temperature values from this section. Any item can be put in here.
leather_helmet: 2
leather_chestplate: 3
leather_leggings: 3
leather_boots: 1
Do not modify this section. This is a small section that stores the worlds min and max temperature reached by a player. The data is used to create the progress scale for the players temperature as a boss bar.
min-temp: 0
max-temp: 0