Falling Leaf Particles - Masstrix/Eternal-Nature GitHub Wiki

Falling Leaves Gif


Falling leaf 'particles' are armour stands as there is no way to create new particles server side. The armour stands are spawned using nms and packets so they will disappear if you re-log.


    only-spawn-from-natrual-leaves: true
    enabled: true
    range: 12
    fidelity: 3
    max-particles: 300
    scan-delay: 2
    spawn-chance: 0.005
  • enabled - Set if falling leaves are enabled.
  • only-spawn-from-natrual-leaves - If true then the leaves will only spawn from leave blocks that were generated naturally.
  • range - This sets how far away from the player the plugin will look for leave blocks to spawn the particles from.
  • fidelity - This sets how many scans it takes to cover all the blocks in the area. If set to 3 for example, it will scan every third block. It's useful to use if you want a larger range but also wan't to keep the impact of the scanning down on server performance.
  • max-particles - This is a had cap on how many leaf particles can be spawned in at any given time.
  • scan-delay - Sets the delay between each scan for leave blocks around each player in seconds.
  • spawn-chance - The chance which a leave block has at spawning a leaf particle each game tick. Keep this low otherwise it will result in a tsunami of leaf particles.
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