How To Assemble The Z Axis - MaslowCNC/Mechanics GitHub Wiki

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The Z-axis is an optional accessory which will automatically adjust the depth of your router for you. Because each router is different, the process may be slightly different.

Step 1: Gather the parts of your z-axis

The z-axis includes one gearbox/motor/encoder unit with offset output shaft, one cable, two mounting brackets, one shaft coupler, and a small bag of hardware.

Step 2: Remove the router adjustment knob

Remove the adjustment knob from your router. On the Ridgid R2200 this is done by removing a T10 torx screw hidden in the recess on the top of the knob

Save this knob in case you want to restore you router to manual control

Step 3: Mount the motor

Mount the motor to one of the identical mounting brackets using the six bolts provided

Step 4: Attach the shaft coupler

Attach the shaft coupler to the motor

Note that the shaft coupler has both a set screw and a clamping screw to hold it firmly in place. You may not be able to reach both in the motor's current position, tighten the one you are able to reach. We will tighten the other later when we are able to rotate the motor.

Step 5: Mark mounting position

Set the motor in place on the router and mark where the other mounting bracket will land on the sled

Step 6: Attach mounting bracket to sled

Screw the second mounting bracket to the sled using the small screws in the hardware bag. Pre-drilling holes for these screws is a good idea

Step 7: Attach mounting brackets

Attach the two mounting brackets using the four lock nuts and four bolts in the hardware bag

Step 8: Strain relief

The end of the cable which plugs into the z-axis motor is in a vulnerable location so it's important to add strain relief to protect it

Step 9: Plug z-axis into controller

Plug the other end of the z-axis cable into the controller board

Step 10: Enable the z-axis in settings

Enable the z-axis in the settings panel. You may also need to adjust the setting for distance moved per rotation. This distance can easily be found by looking at the markings on the knob removed from your router. It should indicate the distance per-rotation.

Step 11: Tighten shaft coupler and loosen router clamp

Tighten any of the set screws or clamping screws on the shaft coupler that you were unable to reach earlier. Rotate the shaft coupler to access them using the z-axis buttons in Ground Control.

Depending on which type of router you are using you may need to adjust the clamping mechanism to allow the router to move in and out. On the ridgid router this is done by loosening the screw on the inside of the clamp. The correct tension will allow the router to move freely but not permit it to wiggle.

That's it, your ready to start using your new automated z-axis!