G codes, M codes, Other codes - MaslowCNC/Mechanics GitHub Wiki

B Codes

B01 Calibration code.B02 Are chains calibrates

B04 Test each of the axis

B05 get frameware version


B08 Manually recalibrate chain lenths

B09 Direct command axis to given distance

B10 Measure Left axis Chain Lengths

B11 run right motor in the given direction at the given speed for the given time

B13 PID Testing of Velocity

B14 PID Testing of Position

B15 command moves the chains to the length which will put the sled in the center of the sheet

B16 Incrementally tests voltages to see what RPMs they produce

G1 Feed Move

G2 CW Circle X1,Y1,X2,Y2 I,J Center X1+I Y1+J G3 CCW Circle

G10 Sets axis to zero

G20 Switch to Inch

G21 Switch to Millimetres

G38 Z axis zero set

G90 Absolute

G91 Incremental

M0 Program Pause

M1 Optional Stop

M2 Program End

M3 Spindle On CW

M4 Spindle on CCW

M5 Spindle Stop

M6 Tool Change

M30 Program End Return to top.

T# Tool Number

$ Command strings

There is code for probe moves, but not called out by G code or M code

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