Drive Motor & Gearbox - MaslowCNC/Mechanics GitHub Wiki

These are just some observations and comments of the drive motor & gearbox...

The gearbox (from my counting) as a 23:1 ratio from the motor output to output shaft. Both ends of the output shaft ride on a shielded bearing. Most of the gears are powdered metal with the exception of the worm shaft(motor output, single toothed, brass?) and the worm wheel (plastic). Each gear is held in place with steel shafts with brass or delrin bushings to maintain alignment. There are 4 gear interactions in the whole set. The worm gear is non-throated and gives the gearbox its self locking feature. (the output shaft cannot turn independently from the motor without damaging the worm-gear.)

When fed with 12 volts the motor spins the output shaft at ~20.5 RPM (visually counted) consuming ~390-510mA When fed with 24 volts the motor spins the output shaft at 41-42 RPM (measure with photo-tachometer)

The output shaft side of the motor has threaded holes for mounting with M4 screws. The Output shaft is a nominal 8mm shaft with a flat ground into it for positive clamping with the sprocket drive gear.

The motor has a band that supports the magnetic flux. On it is stamped ‘K-8F773E222’

Hope this was interesting and maybe helpful.

How Worm Gears Work

Currently the X & Y axis motors are worm gear motors. The video below explains how worm gear motors work to give you an appreciation of its purpose and capabilities

If you want to gain a better understanding of how to calculate gear ratio's as well as gain a better understanding of the torque associated with gear trains then check out these two video links as they will come in very useful.