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Important note: the Maslow community is slowly migrating the wiki to the Maslow Forums. For the time being there may be information on this wiki which has not been ported and there may be newer information on that wiki that will never make it here. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can help by identifying missing information and copying it to the forums.
Welcome to the Mechanics wiki! This is a place meant to serve as a repository for information about the Mechanics of the MaslowCNC. This includes building the temporary and permanent frames, hardware considerations, and anything related to an operational MaslowCNC machine.
Assembly Instructions | Accuracy | Common Operations | Alternate Tools | Machine Size | Useful Links
Safety First
Please Remember:Initial Setup Checklist
Assembly Instructions
MaslowCNCCalibration Guide
MaslowCNCConsiderations for highest machine accuracy
- The Router Sled
- Z-Axis adjustments
- Converting to Triangular Kinematics
- The Frame
- [The Drive Motors and Chains]
- Stock Materials
- Router Bits
Common Procedures:
- [Power-Up Calibration]
- [Stop-Restart Calibration]
- [Tool Change/Z-Adjustment] (pause and restart, in place.)
Alternate Machine Tools
- Pen and Pencil Drawing
- [Spray Paint]
- [Drag Knife]
- [Plasma Cutter]
- [Water Jet]
Alternate Size Machines
- [Large Scale]
- [Smaller than Standard Frame]
DIY Upgrades
- [Dust Control]
- [Noise Reduction]
- [Sled Designs]