Linux - MaslowCNC/GroundControl GitHub Wiki
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##Chromebook - Samsung Chromebook Pro- See below for more information##
How to install Ground Control from the source
Note, this method does not work well for Raspberry Pi. See the Raspberry Pi instructions here.
Step 0: Check for OpenGL 2
Kivy is the python library that handles the GUI of the Ground Control program. Kivy requires OpenGL 2 or higher or on Linux the mesa emulator. Check your version with the command glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"
. You should get an output string like OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 18.0.5
or instructions for installing mesa. If not, you can update mesa with the command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
Step 1: Install Kivy
Install Kivy using by folowing the instructions found at
NOTE: at this time Ground Control does not support Python3, so use Python2 instead
Step 2: Install PySerial
Install the PySerial package by running the command pip install pyserial
On Debian/Ubuntu distros you may be able to install pySerial using sudo apt-get install python-serial
Step 3: Download the Source Code
Download a copy of the Ground Control source code from using the "clone or download" button on the right side.
Step 4: Make Sure Your Linux User Account is a Member of the dialout and tty Groups
Launch a terminal window (ctrl-alt-T is a handy shortcut in some Linux distros) and type the following commands:
sudo usermod -a -G tty $USER
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Note that the "sudo" in this command means that you will need to type your password and your account has to have permission to act as root. If this is not the case, you may need to ask your system administrator to run those commands, but substituting your user name for "$USER".
Step 5: Launch Ground Control
Launch Ground Control by using the command python
from within the folder
Optional: Make a desktop shortcut to launch GC (tested on Lubuntu)
Create a new file on the desktop (or wherever you want the shortcut)
Copy/Paste the following into the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=GC Shortcut
Exec=python /home/username/Documents/GroundControl-master/
X-KeepTerminal=false -
Change "Name=" to whatever name you want for the shortcut
Make sure the paths for "Exec=" and "Path=" are correct (including changing "username" to your username)
Save file. You should now be able to open/double-click it to launch GC!
See link:
This allows you to install a chroot environment. I have been using this method for months and it is the only way I control Maslow as of now.
Keep in mind you will need to put your Chromebook into Dev mode. This will wipe your device! However, being a Chromebook you probably don't have much local information not backed up on the device.
Also save your groundcontrol.ini file from wherever you had Maslow up and running to begin with. And copy it to Chromebook once you are up and running. You will not need to recalibrate!
A bit more on my process:
I installed xfce4 bionic version and have no issues at all. I also was able to get my Dropbox client installed and in sync. I design on my main laptop and then save my gcode file to Dropbox.
This will sync in seconds to the Chromebook, usual by the time I get up turn around.
Load up your code and run Maslow!
I hope this helps!