Android - MaslowCNC/GroundControl GitHub Wiki
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NOTE: Ground Control on Android will start, but there are issues when loading G-Code, so it is not considered a supported platform at this time
How to install Ground Control from the source
Step 1: Run Buildozer
Download Buildozer VM, install VirtualBox and run the downloaded Buildozer VM, on login VM
username is "kivy"
password is "kivy"
Step 2: Upgrade Buildozer
Open a command prompt and run the following:
$ sudo pip install --upgrade buildozer
Open a browser and download the source code for the latest Ground Control Release Source Code ZIP.
Step 3: Unzip Source Code
Extract the ZIP, and change to directory inside the command prompt:
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ unzip
$ cd ~/Downloads/GroundControl-master
Note the zip file name and folder name may be different.
Step 4: Initialize and Setup Buildozer:
$ buildozer init
Modify buildozer.spec using a text editor:
title = Ground Control
version = 0.83 = groundcontrol
package.domain = com.github.maslowcnc
requirements = pyserial,kivy
android.p4a_whitelist = lib-dynload/
Note the version should be the version of the release, 0.83 is used here as an example.
Step 5: Build APK:
$ buildozer -v android debug
Note: this will take a very long time the first time because a lot of downloads will happen.
Step 6: Move APK to Android device
The APK will be in 'bin' directory, the easiest way to get it out of the VM is to create a share folder between your host OS and VM. Load onto your Android device (Airdroid, USB copy, SD copy, etc.). Once the file is in Android open a file manager and install the APK to the device.
Note: when installing a new version, first uninstall the existing version and before attempting another install.