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Important note: the Maslow community is slowly migrating the wiki to the Maslow Forums. For the time being there may be information on this wiki which has not been ported and there may be newer information on that wiki that will never make it here. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can help by identifying missing information and copying it to the forums.

Welcome to the Software wiki!

This is a place meant to serve as a repository for information about the PC side software of the Maslow CNC. The forums provide a good place to chat and swap ideas, but as the conversation moves on information can be lost. The role of the wiki is to provide a place to preserve information which can be of use to future CNC builders.

Ground Control (GC):

Ground Control is written in the Python programing language. Python is a programing language which runs on most computing platforms which means it's possible to run Ground Control on almost any hardware. For the most common operating systems like Mac and Windows compiled binaries are provided to make setting up your machine easier. You can always find the latest version of Ground Control on the releases page.

GC Installation Guides:

GC on slow machines:

If you have a slow machine and you notice that some of the dialog boxes in ground control don't dismiss when you click close, then you might try decreasing the animation frame rate in Kivy by editing



The default setting is 60. I don't notice much difference other than things work

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Interesting 3rd Party Example Project Websites

Computer Aided Machining (CAM)