SRS - Mashikul-islam-Pranto/Blood-Bank-Management-System GitHub Wiki

Chapter 1


1.1 Purpose

The purpose of BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT is a website that is built in such a way that it could suit all types of blood banks in the future. One important future purpose of this website is the availability of location-based blood bank details and extraction of location-based donor detail, which is very helpful to the acceptant people. All the time the network facilities cannot be used. This time donor request does not reach in the proper time, this can be avoided by adding some message-sending procedure this will help to find the proper blood donor in time. This will provide the availability of blood in time.

1.2 Intended Audience

Our Intended audience is:

  1. Proper blood donor
  2. Hospital management
  3. Blood receiver
  4. Blood exchanger

1.3 Intended Use

This website is intended to monitor Blood Bank data, Blood groups, Bloodstock, and Donor Lists. It manages all the Blood Bank, Donor, and Bloodstock data. The project is entirely administrative and therefore access is guaranteed only to the administrator. The project’s aim is to develop a website that can minimize the manual work for Blood Bank, Donor, and Blood Group management. It monitors all of the Blood Group information, Blood cells, Blood supply, and Donor list.

1.4 Product Scope

This website is built in such a way that it suits all types of blood banks in the future. so every effort is taken to implement this project in this blood bank, on successful implementation in this blood bank, we can target other blood banks in the city. This project has the following modules, to manage all the requirements of the blood bank.

  1. • Homepage with information
  2. • User login
  3. • Contact
  4. • Doctor details
  5. • Blood donor details
  6. • Blood collection details
  7. • Stock blood list
  8. • Out-of-stock blood list
  9. • Exchange blood list
  10. • Logout

Chapter 2

Overall Description

2.1 User Stories

2.1.1 As an outside/inside user

User Story- Anyone who wants to visit the blood bank management web page or get information

As a User: I want to see the information and also might want to login into the admin panel. But if I only want to see the doctor's name or about the blood bank or their contact no. or how they can help people I can see that on this home page.

Confirmation/Acceptance criteria:

  1. • This homepage is for all users, all can see this page and get an idea about this website
  2. • User can see the work or information about this website
  3. • They can go to the login page through this page

2.1.2 As a donor User:

User story- if anyone wants to register as a donor and want to see the blood stoke list

As a donor User: First, I have to go to the login page to log in to the system and then select the donor registration page for registering my information. Then after doing blood donation the registration will be successful and I will be able to see my information in the Donor list and my blood group will be safe in Stoke Blood.

Confirmation/Acceptance criteria:

  1. • Donor can put their information in the registration field
  2. • If registration is not successful then they have to do registration again
  3. • Donor can see all the donor list and blood groups in the Stoke blood list

2.1.3 As a blood receiver/collector:

User Story- I need blood so I want to get information about the blood group or blood type.

As a blood receiver: First I have to go to the login page to log in to the system then go to the Stoke blood list for collecting information about the required blood type and group. After finding the required blood group from Stoke blood list, I have to complete my registration process as a collector and then I will able to collect my required blood if it is available in the stroke blood list.

Confirmation/Acceptance criteria:

  1. • Collector can find their required blood group
  2. • They also can see all the donors and the required blood group in the stoke blood list
  3. • Collectors can put their information in the registration field
  4. • Collector also can check the out-stock blood list to checking if their required blood group is in stoke or not

2.1.4 As a blood exchanger:

User Story- I want to exchange the blood group with another blood bank if my required blood group or blood type isn’t available in the Stoke blood list

As a blood exchanger: First I have to go to the login page to log in to the system then go to the exchange blood list for exchanging the blood group with another blood bank. After finding the required exchanger I have to complete the exchange blood registration process and then I will able to exchange the blood group with another bank. Then after I am done I can log out of the system and go back to the login page.

Confirmation/Acceptance criteria:

  1. • Exchanger can exchange blood group with another blood bank
  2. • They also can see the blood group of donors in the exchange blood list
  3. • Exchangers can put their information in the exchange blood registration field

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

In Blood Bank Management System there shall have three types of users system: System owner and System user. Here the system admin and the donor are the system users. Admin has full privilege on the system’s functions. They also have control and knowledge of the entire system and the Public can view the blood donation events and donate or can make requests for donations (Donors and Recipients fall under this category).

  1. • To provide a means for the blood bank to publicize and advertise blood donation programs
  2. • To provide efficient donor and bloodstock management functions to the blood bank by recording the
  3. donor and blood details.
  4. • To improve the efficiency of bloodstock management by alerting the blood bank staff when the blood quantity is below its par level or when the bloodstock has expired.
  5. • To provide pure blood with no wastage blood is collected in different types of packs. They are double, triple, triple (AS), and quadruple packs.
  6. • To provide synchronized and centralized donor and bloodstock databases. To provide immediate storage and retrieval of data and information.

2.4 Operating Environment

Software Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7/8/10. Front End: PHP. Back End : My Sql. Technology: Wamp Server. Hardware Requirements: Processor: i3, Hard Disk: 80 GB , Memory: 1GB RAM. end itemize

2.5 Constraints

  1. • End users will not be able to get information about the availability of the blood in the bank to which he/she is donated.
  2. • Only the Admin has all right to edit the things in the End User’s Profile.
  3. • GUI will be only in English so another language user can’t use this system properly

2.6 Assumptions

There are:

  1. • Every donor has a mobile phone.
  2. • The system doesn’t keep the details of the gathering stock of blood
  3. • The system database will be accessible in real-time
  4. • The donor doesn’t submit any fake reports to his system.
  5. • The donors who want to contribute to a donation will definitely reply to the request of the system.
  6. • The installation of the system to the website server hasn’t been considered a process inside the system that process will do by the authorities who control the website Therefore, here the installation process is considered as a process that is outside of the scope.
  7. • A doctor or a patient can request for an exact blood group. But the request comes through blood bank authorities to the system admin. Therefore, doctors and patients are not direct users of the system.

Chapter 3


3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 Login:

The system provides security features through username-password matching where only authorized users can access the system with different authorization levels. Admin Input:-Username, Password Output: - Invalid or Update Blood Details, logout.

3.1.2 Donor Profile Registration

This allows the healthy public to register as volunteer donors. Input:- Donor/ Recipient Id, Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Blood Group, Address, Contact Number, Email Address, Diseases (if any), Aadhar Card No. Output: - Successfully Registered

3.1.3 Blood Stock Management

The blood bank staff can manage the bloodstock starting from blood collection, to blood screening, processing, storage, transference, and transfusion through this system. Each process or workflow can be traced from the database. The system will also raise alerts to the staff whenever the blood quantity is below its par level or when the blood in stock has expired. Donor/Recipient Management. The records of all donors/recipients and their history are kept in one centralized database and thus reducing duplicate data in the database. The record of donations is maintained by the system. Input:-Blood Type , Output:-No. of Blood Bottle Available

3.1.4 Reporting

The system is able to generate pre-defined reports such as the list of donors, recipients, staff, blood quantity in the bank, and charts. Input:-Admin Username, Admin Password Output:-Today’s Report, Month The report, Year Report.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

A Characteristic of a quality SRS is that in addition to describing the functional requirements of a system, it will also provide detailed coverage of the non-functional requirements. In practice, this would entail a detailed analysis of issues such as availability, security, usability, and maintainability. However, as this document is only an outline specification, It doesn’t contain the same degree of rig that would normally be expected in a formal SRS. Therefore, the sections below should be seen as indicative rather than providing specific (i.e. Testable)requirements

3.2.1 Performance

The system is interactive and the delays involved are less. When connecting to the server the delay is based on editing the distance of the 2 systems and the configuration between them so there is a high probability that there will be or not a successful connection in less than 20 seconds for sake of good communication.

3.2.2 Security

The system uses SSL (secured socket layer) in all transactions that include confidential customer information. The system must automatically log out all customers after a period of inactivity

3.2.3 Availability

The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using the application. In case of a hardware failure or database corruption, a replacement page will be shown. Also in case of a hardware failure or database corruption, backups of the database should be retrieved from the application data folder and saved by the administrator. It means 24 x 7 availability.

3.2.4 Reliability

As the system provides the right tools for problem-solving it is made in such a way that the system is reliable in its operations and for securing sensitive details.

3.2.5 Safety Requirements

Blood bank modules maintain details about the donors and recipients. These blood bank modules are linked to other modules in the software forwards and OT in the hospitals, whereby any and all blood requirements using surgeries etc. That happens in the hospitals known as the bank. Important information and parameters such as availability of blood, cross-matching between donor’s and recipient’s blood groups, and blood transfusion reactions are recorded. Also, the interactions with other blood banks within hospitals or outside and delivery/recipients of blood bags between these banks or hospitals are recorded and maintained. •The blood request queue screen, from where all the daily transfusions can be handled. •Fresh blood and stored blood request processing. •Blood returns are made easy in the blood bank management system. •Transfusion detailed and charging. •Destruction Details. •Blood bank management system is integrated with the lab module for blood crossmatch and grouping


Appendix A


With the theoretical inclination of our syllabus, it becomes very essential to take the most advantage of any opportunity of gaining practical experience that comes along. The building blocks of this Major Project ”BLOOD BANK Management System” was one of these opportunities. It gave us the requisite practical knowledge to supplement the already taught theoretical concepts thus making us more competent as computer engineers. The project from a personal point of view also helped us in understanding the following aspects of project development