Installation steps (nightly) - Maschine2501/Volumio-OledUI GitHub Wiki

(Some changes, but not everything working properly)


  • added newFormat, newSamplerate and newBitdepth -> working!


  • added Imformations about GPIO usage of the physical buttons (line ~539)

28.02.2020 (major changes!)

  • added ButtonD
  • added new modal: MediaInfoScreen

29.02.2020 (major changes!)

  • changed modal MediaInfoScreen to its own class

29.02.2020 (major changes!)

  • added pycurl
  • added command for get and receive from REST API (ButtonD)


  • Rest-Api-Data import and output to display implemented
  • added all buttons


  • added Button functions regarding to button-truthtable


  • fixed artifact issue in shutdown screen

  • fixed: Medialibrary-info to Standby screen

  • changed icons

  • merged Nightly to Stable


  • Textpositions not final
  • button function may have some logical issues -> will soon be solved

If not done yet, set local system time zone:

  • sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

installation steps

Step 1:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev build-essential python-rpi.gpio

sudo pip install luma.oled==3.0.1
sudo pip install setuptools==42.0.0

sudo pip install --upgrade pip wheel

sudo pip install --upgrade socketIO-client-2 

sudo apt-get install python-pycurl
### Step 1 need to be done once, not every time you want to update.

Step 2:

git clone
chmod +x ~/Volumio-OledUI/
sudo cp ~/Volumio-OledUI/oledui-nightly.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable oledui-nightly.service


installation steps (Update)

### for nightly:

sudo systemctl disable oledui-nightly.service

sudo rm -r Volumio-OledUI

### after the steps above, follow Step 2 from "installation steps"