Getting the firmware working - MarvinBeym/3D-Printer_Enclosure-Controller_ESP32 GitHub Wiki
After you have completed assembling the pcb it is now time to make sure the firmware is installed.\
Nextion Display setup
Make sure the display is connected to the pcb as it needs 5V to power on.
Also make sure that you connect RX (Display) to TX (ESP32) and TX (Display) to RX (ESP32).\
Don't connect power just yet.\
then get yourself an sd card. Make sure it is formated as FAT32 and copy the NextionDesignerFile.tft onto it.
Unmount the Sd card and insert it into the display.
Then power on the pcb so that the display gets power.
The display should go into a mode where you can see a percent value going up. This is the flashing process of the display.
After it tells you that it is done, remove the sd card and remove power.
To make sure everything is like it should, power it back on,
you should now see the boot screen and the interface should be working.\
Esp32 controller setup
Download the project and compile it yourself.
This gives you the ability to configure settings.
Compiling yourself with platform io.
- Make sure you have VSCode installed
- Make sure you have Platform io installed.
- Download the source code from this repository and extract it into a Folder
- Either from the releases tab:
- or by cloning the current repo:
- Open VSCode and Go PIO Home -> Open Project
- Select the ESP32 folder from the extraced source code
- Click the button Open "ESP32"
- Configure to your liking -> open the file ESP32/src/Configuration.h
- Press the PlatformIO: Upload button at the bottom. As soon as you compile or upload the firmware, should start loading all the needed libs. If you choose to Upload directly, it should compile without a problem and after a short time should be done.
You can then disconnect the usb cable from the esp32 and If you haven't installed it on the pcb yet. You can do so now.