Assembling - MarvinBeym/3D-Printer_Enclosure-Controller_ESP32 GitHub Wiki

Assembling of the pcb is very easy. You can't do it wrong.\

I suggest starting with the small components.
So all Resistors first (R1-R4). Then the two capacitors (C1, C2).\

**** IMPORTANT ****

Make sure to set the voltage on the XL4015 buck converter
BEFORE installing any of the components (ESP32, level shifter).\

Use 12V and set it to ~5V (i set mine to ~4.95V just to be sure).\

Next you should solder all the headers. Start with the small ones and leave the larger (1x15 and 1x6) for later.
This way you can adjust the small ones and turn the pcb around to solder them laying on a desk.
Make sure to solder one pin first, then adjust to make them straight.\

Then you can install the dc jack. The holes for it are quite
large so you will need a bit of solder to make sure everything is connected.
Make sure it sits straight (there are lines on the pcb).\

Then install the XT4015 buck converter by first soldering 4 single pin headers to the holes designed for it.
Then the buck converter on top and solder it to the headers, make sure it's orientated right.\

For the fan connector you can either use normal 4-pin male headers
or if you want to make it pretty use the connectors normally used for pwm fans called
MOLEX 470531000

Then solder the long female headers. I recommend using an esp32 and level shifter to align them straight.\

At last you can then solder the 3 pin connector for the WS2812B led strip.