9.01 GitHub Connection - MartinWong06/grafana GitHub Wiki

Configure Github Data Source - read public repo with personal access token

  1. Click on Toggle Menu Button -> Home -> Connection -> Data Sources

  2. In the data sources list, select Github

  3. Provide Data Source name

  4. Insert personal access token to access public repo Refer this docs to create personal access token - Managing your personal access tokens - GitHub Docs image

  5. Scroll down to the end of the page, click on "Save & Test" button. Grafana will test the data sources connection base on your configuration

  6. Scroll to the top and click on dashboard tab, import GitHub Default dashboard

Create annotation via release annotation query

  1. By default, Github Default dashboard configured Issues Opened, Issues Closed, Release annotation query.

  2. Click on the "Add" button in the Grafana dashboard, then select "Visualization" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the "Time Series" visualization type.

  4. Query Configuration and apply image

  5. Release Annotation image