8.02 Migrating to MySQL - MartinWong06/grafana GitHub Wiki


1. Update OS apt repo

sudo apt update

2. Install MySQL server

sudo apt install mysql-server

3. Check MySQL server status

sudo service mysql status

4. Login to the MySQL server

sudo mysql

5. Create database for grafana

create database grafana;

6. Create db user

CREATE USER 'grafana'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'grafana';

7. Grant privilege to grafana user

grant all privileges on grafana.* to 'grafana'@'localhost';

8. Apply the changes to the DB server

flush privileges;

9. Quit MySQL


10. Install sqlite3 - use for dumb the data from existing Grafana server

sudo apt install sqlite3

11. Clone the migrator tool into the specific path

cd /opt/
sudo git clone https://github.com/grafana/database-migrator.git

12. Enter migrator path

cd database-migrator/

13. Grant execute right to shell script

sudo chmod +x sqlitedump.sh

14. We must stop grafana-server

sudo systemctl stop grafana-server
sudo systemctl status grafana-server

15. Dump the sqlite3 data to db_dump.sql

sudo touch /opt/db_dump.sql
sudo chmod 777 /opt/db_dump.sql
sudo ./sqlitedump.sh /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db > /opt/db_dump.sql 

16. Configure grafanan.ini according your settings

sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
#################################### Database ####################################
# You can configure the database connection by specifying type, host, name, user and password
# as separate properties or as on string using the url properties.

# Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3", it's your choice
type = mysql
host =
name = grafana
user = grafana
# If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""
password = grafana

17. Start Grafana server, to allow grafana create the necessary table in MySQL

sudo systemctl start grafana-server
sudo systemctl status grafana-server

18. After completed table creation, stop the Grafana server.

sudo systemctl stop grafana-server

19. Migrate the sqlite3 data into MySQL server

sudo mysql -u grafana -p grafana < /opt/db_dump.sq

20. After completed migration, start the Grafana server.

sudo systemctl start grafana-server

***[mysqld]/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf bind-address =

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