8.01 Organizing Grafana - MartinWong06/Grafana GitHub Wiki


  1. Create a new organization

  2. Create 3 users with 3 different role
    user001 - Viewer
    user002 - Editor
    user003 - Admin

  3. Assign user role

  4. Login to the grafana with user001 and access the dashboard.

  • Check edit access right
  • Check Configuration options list
  • Check Server Admin options list

Role will be implemented to all dashboard according Viewer, Editor and Admin


  1. Create a team, and assign user to the team.

  2. User must in the organization.

  3. User with viewer role, can view all the dashboard in that organization. However, you can grant edit dashboard permission by provide Editor permission to that Team.

  4. Go to dashboard permissions tab and grant team with edit permission

  5. Access the dashabord and check the panel permission

Roles and permissions https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/roles-and-permissions/

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