Getting Started - Marthe-B/HalfStalk GitHub Wiki
Getting started
You may work on this project as you like, either for personal use or with the intent of contributing your changes (see the MIT license for further details). Here We list some general information about how to get started on working on the project.
General information
We are doing most of the work in the “dev” branch. If you would like the most recent version of the project, you will find it in this branch. The master branch is updated from the “dev” branch less frequently, and only when dev is stable. This ensures that the master branch is always a “working” version of the project.
Depending on what you want to contribute with, you may need some additional software
Godot engine This project is being developed with the open source game engine godot (version 3.2). You can download this here: be sure to select the standard version.
Godot has a wide range of documentation and learning resources, you can find an overview of those here:
While Godot is required to run the project. You can use seperate code editors to edit the scripts.
Krita Krita is an open source painting program, and the software we have used to create the art for this game. You can download it here:
For contributing art to this project, you are however free to use any software you like (provided you have the licence to use it)