Contribution guidelines - Marthe-B/HalfStalk GitHub Wiki

Contribution guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project. On this page you will find some general guidelines for how to contribute.

How to contribute

If you haven't yet, check out the getting started page for some general information, and an overview of software needed.

Forking the project

First of all, you can create a fork of this project.

Review the project page and the issues page

You can view the github project page for an overview of what is currently being worked on, and what tasks are planned. You can choose to work on any of the listed issues, or if you have a new idea, suggest a new issue.

Working on the project

If you plan to contribute any of your changes or additions to this project, we ask that you pay close attention to the project structure. This is to keep everything neat and tidy, and prevent merging issues.

The current folder structure is as follows:

  • Assets (visual assets and art goes in the sub folders)
    • CharacterSprites (Player characters, NPC’s, enemies)
    • EnvironmentAssets (trees, rocks, other decorational assets)
    • TileSets (Tilesets used for building the levels)
    • UIElements (UI elements such as healthbars, custom cursors etc)
  • Scenes (scenes go here)
  • Scripts (scripts go here)

Each folder contains a .txt explaining what files are expected in what folders.

Please refrain from making edits to scenes or scripts you do not intend to change.

While writing scripts, be sure to keep the code clean and add comments where needed. Use clear and consistent variable and function names.

Pull requests

To request for your changes to be included in the project, you can send a pull request to the dev branch. Before you do so, make sure you have followed the guidelines stated in the “working on the project” section.

Create a pull request to the dev branch

Please write a clear description of what your changes are and if there are any problems with them (if something is not working entirely as expected, or if you believe something can be improved).

We will then review your changes and decide if they should be included in the project.

Should your pull request be denied, we will write you an explanation as to why it was denied, or what needs to be fixed before it can be included in the project.