Exercise: How a Calculator Works - MartaGyurova/tech-docu GitHub Wiki

A guide to using the calculator application

In this topic you will learn how to use the calculator app on your smartphone.

  1. What is a calculator used for?
  2. Calculator buttons and their meanings
  3. How to use the calculator with steps and examples

What is the calculator used for?

The calculator is used to perform basic arithmetic operations such as:

  • addition,
  • subtraction,
  • multiplication,
  • division of numbers.

Calculator buttons and their meanings

Here you will find information on the types of buttons a calculator has and what their meaning is.

Button Meaning
C Clear input
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
: Division
() Brackets
+/- Toggle positive/negative number
. Decimal point
% Percent
= Result

How to use the calculator


Here are the steps to make any operation between numbers after you open the calculator app:

  1. Input first number
  2. Press button for desired operation
  3. Input second number
  4. Press the = button

The result will be on your screen.

Example 1

To perform the calculation 10+5 you have to:

  1. Input the number 10
  2. Press the + button
  3. Input the number 5
  4. Press the = button

The answer is shown on the display.

Example 2

To perform the calculation 5+2-3 you have to:

  1. Input the number 5
  2. Press the + button
  3. Input the number 2
  4. Press the - button
  5. Input the number 3
  6. Press the = button

The answer is shown on your display

Example 3

To perform the calculation (-25/5)*2 you have to:

  1. Press the () button to open brackets
  2. Press the -/+ button
  3. Input the number 25
  4. Press the : button
  5. Input the number 5
  6. Press the () button to close brackets
  7. Press the * button
  8. Input the number 2
  9. Press the = button

The answer is shown on the display.

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