TutorialIntro - MarkyVasconcelos/cajuscript GitHub Wiki
#summary Introdution
=CajuScript Introdution=
- is an easy to use script language for Java.
- has good features to create newly instances of class and invocation of methods.
In CajuScript was implemented many ways to make easy to programme in Java.
Supports all basics resources of programing like:
- Variables
- [tutorialArray Arrays]
- [tutorialIf If]
- [tutorialLoop Loop]
- [tutorialFunction Function]
- [tutorialImportAndInclude Imports and Includes]
- [tutorialCast Cast]
- [tutorialTryCatch Try/Catch]
About [sampleSyntax custom syntax] and these proposals:
- [sampleSyntaxBasic Basic]
- [sampleSyntaxJava Java]
- [sampleSyntaxPortuguese Portuguese]
Easy to use Java. Sample: {{{ $java.lang str = "Hello world!" len = 0 len < str.length() @ System.out.println(str.substring(len, len + 1)) len += 1 @ System.out.println(str.replaceAll("Hello", "Hi")) str = StringBuilder(str) str.append(" Bye bye bye...") System.out.println(str) }}}
CajuScript supports [tutorialInLine programming in single line].
You can see the [http://code.google.com/p/cajuscript/wiki/tutorialSyntax overview of syntax].