Tutorial Syntax - MarkyVasconcelos/cajuscript GitHub Wiki

#summary Overview on language syntax


See too about [sampleSyntax custom syntax] and these proposals:

  • [sampleSyntaxBasic Basic]
  • [sampleSyntaxJava Java]
  • [sampleSyntaxPortuguese Portuguese]

===[tutorialImportAndInclude Imports and include file]:=== {{{ // Import $java.lang // Include file $"script.cj" }}}

===Variables:=== {{{ // Defining a new variable x = 0 x = "Programing 'Java' with CajuScript!" x = 'Programing "Java" with CajuScript!' x = "Programing "Java" with CajuScript!" x = 'Programing 'Java' with CajuScript!' x = StringBuffer(x) x.append(" "+ x) System.out.println(x.toString()) }}}

===[tutorialIf IF]:=== {{{ // IF x = 10 x < 10 & x > 0 ? System.out.println("X is less than 10!") ? x > 10 & x ! 10 ? System.out.println("X is greater than 10!") ? x = 10 ? System.out.println("X is 10!") ?? System.out.println("X is less than 1!") ? }}}

===[tutorialLoop LOOP]:=== {{{ // LOOP x = 0 x < 10 & x >= 0 @ System.out.println(x) x += 1 @ }}}

===[tutorialFunction FUNCTION]:=== {{{ // FUNCTION // Allowed: // addWithX v1, v2 # ... # // addWithX(v1 v2) # ... # x = 5 addWithX(v1, v2) # // "~" is the return ~ x + v1 + v2 # x = addWithX(10, 20) System.out.println("X = "+ x) }}}

===Null value:=== {{{ // $ is the null value x = $ }}}

===[tutorialArithmetic Arithmetic Operators]:=== {{{ // + Addition x = 0 + 1 x += 1

 // - Subtraction
 x = 0 - 1
 x -= 1
 // * Multiplication
 x = 0 * 1
 x *= 1
 // / Division
 x = 0 / 1
 x /= 1
 // % Modulus
 x = 0 % 1
 x %= 1


===[tutorialComparison Comparison Operators]:=== {{{ // = Equal to (x = y)

 // ! Not equal to
 (x ! y)
 // < Less Than
 (x < y)
 // > Greater Than
 (x > y)
 // < Less Than or Equal To
 (x <= y)
 // > Greater Than or Equal To
 (x >= y)


===[tutorialComment Comments allowed]:=== {{{ -- Comment...

 // Comment...

 \ Comment...


===[tutorialTryCatch Try/Catch]:=== {{{ // Try/Catch e ^ "".substring(0, -1) ^^ System.out.println("Error: "+ e.getMessage()) ^~^ System.out.println("Finally...") ^ }}}

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