Tutorial Function - MarkyVasconcelos/cajuscript GitHub Wiki

#summary Declaring funcions and using.

= Function =

Is allowed four aways to defining functions:

First way: {{{ funcName(param1, param2) # ... # }}}

Second way: {{{ funcName(param1 param2) # ... # }}}

Third way: {{{ funcName param1, param2 # ... # }}}

Forth way: {{{ funcName param1 param2 # ... # }}}

Case not have parameters: {{{ funcName() # ... #

// OR

funcName #



The sign of return is "~". {{{ funcName # ~ 1 # }}}


Always with parenthesis and commas, use commas to separate parameters: {{{ // Without parameters funcName()

// With parameters
funcName2(1, 2)
funcName2(x, y)


===Sample:=== {{{ x = 10 addWithX(v1, v2) # ~ x + v1 + v2 # x = addWithX(1, 2) }}}


If have an variable global with same name of an variable internal of function, must use the sign of the context global to differentiate the variables. The sign of global context is "." (look the ".x" is the global variable "x"): {{{ x = 5 addWithX(x) # ~ .x + x # }}}