Tutorial Caju Net - MarkyVasconcelos/cajuscript GitHub Wiki

#summary How to use cajuscript in .NET

= CajuScript .Net =

This tutorial will try to explain how to use cajuscript in .NET

First you have to download IKVM.NET from here

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=69637 ( ikvmbin- )

After downloading to install simply extract the files from the archive.

The next step is to compile the cajuscript jar file with IKVM.NET to do this open a command or shell window, cd to ikvm\bin, and type:

{{{ ikvmc path_to_cajuscript_jar -target:library }}}

A DLL file will be created. So open Visual Studio, create a console application, and add as referecences the following files:

  • cajuscript dll file created
  • IKVM.OpenJDK.ClassLibrary.dll ( ikvm\bin )
  • IKVM.Runtime.dll ( ikvm\bin )

In the Program.cs file you can now use cajuscript, if you type org.cajuscript. you can see all the classes.

Here is a lite C# example how to do it:

{{{ String value = "1"; long times = 100000; long time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;

// Loop test
org.cajuscript.CajuScript caju = new org.cajuscript.CajuScript(); caju.eval("x = 0; x < " + times + " @ x = x + " + value + "; @"); System.Console.WriteLine("CajuScript: " + ((System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - time) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + "ms - " + caju.get("x")); // String test org.cajuscript.CajuScriptEngine cajue = new org.cajuscript.CajuScriptEngine(); String javaHello = "Java: Hello!"; cajue.put("javaHello", javaHello); String script = "$java.lang;"; script += "System.out.println(javaHello);"; script += "cajuHello = 'Caju: Hi!';"; cajue.eval(script); System.Console.WriteLine(cajue.get("cajuHello"));

System.Console.ReadLine(); }}}

For more details in compiling with ikvmc just go to http://www.ikvm.net/userguide/ikvmc.html