Upgrading - MarkusBordihn/BOs-Easy-NPC GitHub Wiki

Updating / Upgrading

This page provides guidance on updating / upgrading the Easy NPCs mod to a new version. It's important to understand that the upgrade process may vary depending on the version you are upgrading from and to.

General Recommendations

To ensure a smooth upgrade process, please follow these general recommendations for any update / upgrade:

  • Backup: Before upgrading, make sure to back up your world and the easy_npc folder in the config directory.
  • Store Presets: If you have custom presets or dialogs, make sure to re-store to be sure they are in the latest format.
  • Read Release Notes: Always read the release notes for the new version to understand the changes and new features.
  • Check Compatibility: Make sure the new version is compatible with your Minecraft version and other mods you are using.
  • Test: After upgrading, test the mod in a safe environment to ensure everything is working as expected.

Version specific notes

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

The version 4.x of Easy NPCs introduces several new features and improvements. It is also a major update as preparation for the Fabric and NeoForge port that includes breaking changes and may require some manual steps to upgrade. This section outlines the changes and provides guidance on upgrading from version 3.x to 4.x.

Please note that version 4.x is not 100% compatible with version 3.x for several technical reasons.

Breaking changes

  • Data Cleanup: The stored and used data has been cleaned up and reduced. This means that some data may be lost or not transferred correctly when upgrading.
  • Fabric Port: For the Fabric version, the mod has been ported away from the Forge API as much as possible. This means some features may be missing or behave differently, to be in line with between the different Mod Loaders.
  • Preset Files: The format of the preset files has slightly changed. The new format is more flexible and allows for more customization, but it is not 100% backwards compatible with the old versions.
  • Folder Names: All preset, texture, and model folders have been renamed to be lowercase.

Recommended steps

First follow the general recommendations for upgrading.

Then follow these steps in the latest 3.x version before upgrading to 4.x:

  • Latest 3.x: Make sure you are using the latest 3.x version of Easy NPCs before upgrading to 4.x.
  • World: Open the world in the latest 3.x and save it before upgrading to the 4.x version.
  • Preset Files: Open the old preset files in the latest 3.x version and re-save them.

Follow these steps when upgrading to 4.x:

  • Stop Server and Client: Stop the server and client before upgrading.
  • Remove Old Files: Remove the old easy_npc folder in the config directory and the easy_npc/texture_cache in our minecraft directory.
  • Install New Version: Install the new version of Easy NPCs.
  • Start Server and Client: Start the server and client and check if everything is working as expected.
  • Store the debug.log, latest.log, and crash-reports: Make sure to store the logs from the first start after upgrading for debugging purposes or in case of issues.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please make sure to check the Bug Reports and Support sections first before creating a new issue. Make sure to provide detailed information about your setup, the issue, and steps to reproduce it.