Position - MarkusBordihn/BOs-Easy-NPC GitHub Wiki

Position 📍

The position screen empowers you to effortlessly relocate your NPC to a different position, even mid-air. 🚀 This feature proves invaluable for strategic positioning or when you want your NPC to make a grand entrance.


Activate the Free fall checkbox to let your NPC gracefully descend until it touches the ground. 🕊️

Please be aware that certain mods might not fully support free positioning or the free fall feature, especially those altering entity models or physics.

Move EasyNPC Item 🏃

For a more hands-on approach, the Move EasyNPC item provides a convenient alternative to the position screen. This item allows you to relocate the selected NPC to a specific position effortlessly. Perfect for situations where the NPC is stuck or using the position screen is impractical or undesired.