Objectives - MarkusBordihn/BOs-Easy-NPC GitHub Wiki

Objectives 🎯

Shape the behavior and goals of your NPC with the versatile objectives screen. Explore different types of objectives to give your NPC purpose, but remember, some may impact performance.

Basic Objectives 🚶‍♂️

Define fundamental objectives for your NPC's actions and movements.

Basic Objectives screen

This includes objectives such as:

  • Random Stroll: Aimless wandering for the NPC.
  • Move back to Home: Returning to the NPC's home point (spawn point).
  • Water-Avoiding Random Stroll: Wandering while steering clear of water.
  • Move through Village: Navigating through the village.
  • Move back to Village: Returning or staying close to the village.
  • Random Stroll in Village: Random wandering within the village.
  • Random Swimming: Unpredictable swimming behavior.
  • Panic: Running around in panic when hurt or attacked.
  • Avoid Sun: Seeking shade to escape the sun.
  • Flee Sun: Fleeing from sunlight, if possible.

Follow Objectives 🚶‍♂️➡️🚶

Specify follow objectives for more targeted NPC behavior.

Follow Objectives screen

Follow Owner

The NPC follows its owner when online and within a specific distance.

Follow Player

The NPC follows a specified player when online and within a specific distance.

Follow Entity by UUID

The NPC follows an entity with a given UUID when online and within a specific distance. This could be any entity, even another NPC.

Chain multiple NPCs together using the Follow Entity by UUID objective and their corresponding UUIDs.

Follow Entity by UUID screen

Copy the NPC's UUID in the NPC's configuration screen.


Attack Objectives ⚔️

Define specific attack objectives for the NPC.

Attack Objectives screen

Some objectives, like 'Perform Melee Attack' and 'Attack Player,' work in tandem. Ensure they match for effective NPC behavior.

Attack Types

Different attack types are available:

  • Perform Melee Attack: NPC performs a melee attack.
  • Perform Zombie Attack: NPC performs a zombie-like attack.
  • Crossbow Attack: NPC performs a crossbow attack.
  • Bow Attack: NPC performs a bow attack.

Attack Targets

Choose from various attack targets:

  • Attack Player: NPC attacks the player.
  • Attack Villager: NPC attacks villagers.
  • Attack Animal: NPC attacks animals.
  • Attack Monster: NPC attacks monsters.
  • Attack Mob: NPC attacks mobs.
  • Attack Mob (without Creepers): NPC attacks mobs but ignores creepers.

Look Objectives 👀

Control where and when the NPC should focus its attention.

Look Objectives screen

This includes objectives such as:

  • Reset loot at: Resets the loot focus at a given time to prevent constant staring.
  • Look Random Around: Randomly looks around, useful for NPCs with an attack objective.
  • Look at Player: Looks at players.
  • Look at Mob: Looks at mobs.
  • Loot at Animal: Looks at animals.