Debugging - MarkusBordihn/BOs-Easy-NPC GitHub Wiki

Debugging 🐛

Welcome to the EasyNPC Debugging Guide! Debugging can be a crucial step in resolving issues and improving the overall performance of the EasyNPC mod. Here, we'll walk you through the typical debugging steps and explain why providing a debug.log file is essential for effective issue resolution.

Enabling Debug Mode

EasyNPC provides a helpful command to enable debug mode:

/easy_npc debug true

This command activates debug mode, allowing the mod to log additional information into the debug.log file. To disable debug mode, use:

/easy_npc debug false

Why Debugging is Essential 🕵️‍♂️

Debugging provides valuable insights into the inner workings of EasyNPC and helps pinpoint issues. When reporting problems or seeking assistance, a debug.log file is a crucial resource for mod developers to understand, reproduce, and resolve the issue efficiently.

Reasons to Provide Debug Information:

  1. Reproducibility: Debug information helps recreate the issue in a controlled environment, making it easier for developers to identify the cause.

  2. Error Tracing: Log files contain error messages, warnings, and other valuable information that assists developers in identifying the root cause of problems.

  3. Performance Optimization: Debug logs reveal potential bottlenecks, performance issues, or conflicts with other mods, aiding in overall mod optimization.

Typical Debugging Steps 🚧

  1. Enable Debug Mode: Start by enabling debug mode using /easy_npc debug true.

  2. Reproduce the Issue: Try to recreate the problem under controlled conditions. Document the steps leading to the issue.

  3. Check debug.log: Examine the debug.log file located in the logs folder of your Minecraft instance. Look for error messages or warnings related to EasyNPC.

  4. Provide Relevant Information: When reporting an issue on GitHub, include detailed information about your Minecraft environment, installed mods, and steps to reproduce the problem. Attach the debug.log file to the issue for better analysis.

  5. Search for Existing Issues: Check the existing GitHub issues to see if the problem has already been reported. If so, you can contribute additional information or follow the discussion.

Reporting Issues 🐛

  1. Create a GitHub Account: If you don't have one, create a GitHub account.

  2. Check Existing Issues: Before reporting a new issue, ensure that the problem hasn't been reported already.

  3. Create a New Issue: If the issue is not reported, create a new one. Provide a clear title, detailed description, and steps to reproduce the problem.

  4. Attach Debug.log: Attach the debug.log file to your issue. This greatly assists developers in understanding and resolving the problem.

  5. Engage in Discussions: Respond promptly to any questions or requests for additional information from developers. This collaborative approach speeds up the resolution process.

By following these steps, you contribute to the improvement of EasyNPC and help create a better gaming experience for everyone! 🌟