Actions - MarkusBordihn/BOs-Easy-NPC GitHub Wiki

Actions 🎮

Enhance the interactivity of your NPC with powerful actions beyond the confines of this mod. Dive into some basic examples:

  • /say Hello, ... 👋
  • /give @initiator stone 🎁
  • /scoreboard players add @initiator close 5 📊
  • /tp @initiator -28 63 399 🚀

Default permissions restrict certain actions, ensuring standard users can't wield commands like /give or /tp. Actions can trigger in response to specific events such as player interaction, NPC damage, NPC demise, player-NPC proximity, or even the opening and closing of dialogs.

Action Options 🛠️

The Action Options screen empowers you with the following customization:

Action Options screen

  • Check Execute as player to run commands with the interacting player's permission level.
  • Activate Debug for debug mode, providing insights into script errors and more.

Action Placeholders 🧩

The action text embraces placeholders for a personalized touch:

Placeholder Description
@npc Name of the NPC
@npc-uuid UUID of the NPC
@initiator Name of the initiator of the dialog
@initiator-uuid UUID of the initiator of the dialog

NPC-Specific Commands 🤖

Unlock NPC-specific commands for more intricate actions. For instance, open a trading screen during a dialog action using:

/easy_npc trading open @npc-uuid

Action Types 🚀

Explore various action types available for your NPC:

Basic Actions 🔄

Define fundamental actions such as player interaction, NPC injury, and NPC demise.

Basic Action Setup screen

Dialog Actions 💬

Specify actions for each dialog entry, like opening or closing the dialog screen, or clicking on a dialog button.

Dialog Action Setup screen

Distance Actions 📏

Set actions based on player proximity:

  • Near (distance <= 16 Blocks)
  • Close (distance <= 8 Blocks)
  • Very Close (distance <= 4 Blocks)
  • In Touch (distance <= 1 Block)

Actions trigger only once within range, with the potential for re-triggering upon player re-entry.

Distance Action Setup screen