Home - Maritime-Robotics-Student-Society/miniglider GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the miniglider wiki!

This is the first project of the Maritime Robitics Student Society (MRSS).

It is based on the glider design from: http://www.seaglide.net/blog

Changes we are making to the design

  • Add some sort of connection for USB to the outside, so we can attach a short wire for testing.
  • Different bottle

Parts we already have

  • Arduino micro (CapneriK)
  • Continuous rotation servo (FatManSteamboat or Baaswex)
  • shrinkwrap, wiring, pushbutton switch *2 (CaperniK)
  • 9 Volt snap connector (CaperniK)
  • pair of lipo battery connectors (CaperniK)
  • proto board (CaperniK)
  • 10 kOhm potentiometer (CaperniK)
  • 5 Ohm resistor (CaperniK)
  • 3 colours LEDs (smaria)
  • pre resistors for LEDs (CaperniK)
  • pin headers (CaperniK)
  • 3x 75cl plastic water bottles for small glider (FatManSteamboat)
  • 3x 100ml syringes for buoyancy engine (FatManSteamboat)

Parts that are obvious

  • 9 V battery (smaria)

Parts we are going to order and have a supplier for

Part description supplier partnumber Cost URL
cake cake shop 23 cakes cake monies www.cake.slice

Parts that still need attention

Buoyuancy Engine

ca. 100 ml syringe PURCHASED (Link kept for reference)

Plunger is solid.

Weight diameter length volume cost url
77g 3.5 cm 17.5 100 ml £ 1.9 ebay
?? ?? ?? 100ml £1.67 ebay

Attaching the syringe buoyancy engine to the bottle straw "port".

Currently none of the tubes are the perfect diameter and modifying the tubes/straws currently availbe is the best best: *Check if thermoplastic and able to stretch with heat *Heat shrink for rudimentary water-proofing or cable-ties on stretched material

BB pellets

These need to have a good ratio of weight vs. diameter. |Weight|diameter|cost|No. of pellets |url| |0.3g | 6mm | £17| 2000 |amazon|

Alternative Ideas: Sand. Washers.

Washers might be the best solution!

Currently both Russell and Jared have a bunch of metal BB pellets. Remains to be validated before moving to "parts we already have"

3D printed parts

depends on syringe

  • attachment to servo
  • attachment to plunger rubber bit + container for BB's if we use them
  • attachment for wings
  • attachment for rudder MEASUREMENTS TO BE TAKEN STILL


  • a rainbow of wires


  • sheet styrene (1.5 mm thick)
  • Black: ebay
  • White: ebay

Bolts, screws, fastenings

  • various things: cable ties The screw for buoyancy engine depends on syringe
  • big bolt to go into syringe
  • 3 small screws to attach to servo motor

IR reciever/remote

  • Recieve: TSOP38238 datasheet
  • Remote: either a adafruit one, a generic tv remote we may need to change the software for, or an IR led which will require more work

Bottle PURCHASED (Link kept for reference)

  • ebay <-----We like this one!