Sites de Referência ‐ Visão Computacional - MarianaMendanha/DeepstreamNvidia GitHub Wiki
Instalação PyTorch CUDA 11.8 e 12.4
pip install torch==2.3.0 torchvision==0.18.0 torchaudio==2.3.0 --index-url
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
- Creating Custom AI Models Using NVIDIA TAO Toolkit with Azure Machine Learning
- Training Like an AI Pro Using NVIDIA TAO AutoML
- Developing and Deploying Your Custom Action Recognition Application Without Any AI Expertise Using NVIDIA TAO and NVIDIA DeepStream
- Fast-Tracking Hand Gesture Recognition AI Applications with Pretrained Models from NGC
- Training with Custom Pretrained Models Using the NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit
- DetectNet_v2
- Data Annotation Format
- Image Classification (TF1)
- TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide
- Training Spec File for Peoplenet-Resnet34 on TLT3.0
- Deploy YOLOv8 on NVIDIA Jetson using TensorRT and DeepStream SDK Support
- Deploy YOLOv8 on NVIDIA Jetson using TensorRT
- Tensorrt YOLOv8 with Deepstream Python
- Run YOLOv5 in Deepstream with .engine generated alternatively
- Deploying to DeepStream for YOLOv4
- GStreamer Doc Learn
- GStreamer Doc Plugins
- DeepStream SDK: Best practices for performance optimization
- NVIDIA DeepStream Technical Deep Dive: DeepStream Inference Options with Triton & TensorRT
- Streamline Deep Learning for Video Analytics with DeepStream SDK 2.0
- DeepStream On WSL
- Implementing Real-time Vision AI Apps Using NVIDIA DeepStream SDK