Jenkins - MariMendM/devops-sandbox GitHub Wiki
Page of tips and how-tos for Jenkins.
At Jenkins:
- Install plugin "GitHub"
At GitHub, create account personal token:
- Under profile, navigate menus Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens
- Generate new token
- Note = Jenkins (any name desired)
- Select scopes (at least scopes <admin:repo_hook> and <repo:status>)
- Click generate token and COPY IT!
- Generate new token
At Jenkins, create GitHub credentials:
- Under profile, navigate menu Credentials
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- Add credentials
- Kind = Secret text
- Scope = Global
- Secret = CTRL-V token generated at GitHub
- ID = GithubTokenCredential (any name desired)
- Description = Personal access token from GitHub (any description desired)
- Click OK
- Add credentials
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
At Jenkins, add GitHub server:
- Navigate menus Manage Jenkins -> Configure system
- In the section "Github"
- Add Github Server
- Name = MariMendMGitHub (any name desired)
- Credentials = GithubTokenCredential (the one created above; will be identified by Description instead of ID)
- Click "test connection"; it shall work!
- Enable option "manage hooks"
- Click "advanced options" (the one from section GitHub, not the one from GitHub Server itself)
- Enable option "override hook URL" and copy URL displayed (something like http://<DNS-or-IP>:8080/github-webhook/)
- Click "save"
- In the section "Github"
Create SSH private/public pair of keys:
- At linux, use "ssh-keygen"
- Private key will be used in JENKINS
- Public key will be used in GitHub
At GitHub, configure SSH credential:
- Under profile, navigate menus Settings -> SSH and GPG Keys
- Click "New SSH key"
- Title = Jenkins (any name desired)
- Key = CTRL-V <public> key generated
- Click "Add SSH key"
- Click "New SSH key"
At Jenkins, create GitHub credentials:
- Under profile, navigate menu Credentials
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- Add credentials
- Kind = SSH Username with private key
- Scope = Global
- ID = GithubSSHCredential (any name desired; it is the name used inside jenkinsfile)
- Description = SSH private key to GitHub for groovy script (any description desired)
- Username = GitHub account user name
- Private key = CTRL-V <private> key generated
- Passphrase = leave blank (or fulfill it with passphrase from key file, as input in ssh-keygen)
- Add credentials
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
Example of pipeline's groovy script stage using SSH credentials:
stage('Cloning github repository')
{ steps
{ git url: '[email protected]:MariMendM/examplerepo.git', credentialsId: 'GithubSSHCredential'
Considerations before start:
- Next steps assume a pipeline is already created
- Jenkins' job must be run at least once manually before the hook will work
At Jenkins, configure Jenkins' part of webhook:
- Navigate to pipeline job, menu Configure
- In section "general", enable option "GitHub project"
- Input project URL (something like
- In section "build triggers", enable option "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling"
- Click Save
- In section "general", enable option "GitHub project"
At GitHub, configure GitHub's part of webhook::
- Navigate to repository, menus Settings -> Webhooks
- Add Webhook
- Payload URL = CTRL-V hook URL from Jenkins Server Configuration (something like http://<DNS-or-IP>:8080/github-webhook/ - it must end with "/")
- Content type = application/json (or application/x-www-form-urlencoded for Pull Request events in Freestyle Jobs)
- Secret = leave blank (TO-DO: test with secret)
- Select events to trigger the webhook
- Click "add webhook"
At Jenkins:
- Install plugin "Docker Pipeline"
At Jenkins's host:
- Install Docker
- Add Jenkins user to docker group
sudo usermod -a -G docker jenkins
- Restart Jenkins
sudo service jenkins restart
At DockerHub, create account access token:
- Under profile, navigate menus Account Settings -> Security
- Click "New access token"
- Access Token Description = Jenkins (any name desired)
- Click "Create" and COPY IT!
- Click "New access token"
At Jenkins, create DockerHub credentials:
- Under profile, navigate menu Credentials
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- Add credentials
- Kind = Username with password
- Scope = Global
- Username = DockerHub user name
- Password = CTRL-V token generated at DockerHub
- ID = DockerhubUsrTokenCredential (any name desired; it is the name used inside jenkinsfile)
- Description = User and access token from DockerHub (any description desired)
- Click OK
- In "System", click "Global credentials"
- In "Stores from parent", click "Jenkins"
At Jenkins, Configure Docker:
- Navigate menus Manage Jenkins -> Configure system
- In the section 'Declarative Pipeline (Docker)'
- Docker Label = leave empty (used when docker is not installed on the same Jeninks' host)
- Docker Registry URL =
- Registry Credentials = DockerhubUsrTokenCredential (created above)
- In the section 'Declarative Pipeline (Docker)'
Considerations before to start:
- SMTP Port shall be opened for outbound in Jenkins server
At Jenkins:
- Install plugin "Email Extension Plugin"
At Gmail's Google Account (with 2FA activated):
- Navigate Manage google account -> Security
- In "Signing in to Google", click "App Passwords"
- Select app = email
- Select device = Other (type something like Jenkins)
- Click "Generate" and COPY IT!
- In "Signing in to Google", click "App Passwords"
At Jenkins, configure SMTP:
- Navigate menus Manage Jenkins -> Configure system
- In section "Extended Email Notification"
- SMTP Server =
- SMTP Port = 465
- Click advanced
- Username = gmail's email to be used as sender ([email protected])
- Password = type password or token provided at gmail's step above
- Enable "Use SSL"
- Default user email suffix :
- Configure predefined fields, if desired
- Click "Default triggers" and choose automatic emails (if desired)
- In section "Extended Email Notification"
At Jenkins pipeline's groovy script:
- Example01: via emailext step
emailext body: 'Test Message',
subject: 'Test Subject',
to: '[email protected]'
- Example02: via emailext step, using plugin's global configuration (available tokens are documented at Manage Jenkins -> Extended Email Notification)
emailext body: '$DEFAULT_CONTENT',
subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT',
to: '[email protected]'
- Example03: to add all people who caused a change in the change set and the user who initiated the build:
emailext body: "Build ${env.BUILD_TAG} successful",
recipientProviders: [developers(), requestor()],
subject: 'Test Subject',
to: '[email protected]'