How to load and move a robot - MarginallyClever/Robot-Overlord-App GitHub Wiki
- in the main menu select
Demos > get more robots
to open the Robot Library window.
- choose the Sixi 3 robot and click "install".
- close the Robot Library window.
- go to
Demos > MarginallyClever > Sixi- > 3.0.0 >
- The Sixi3 5-axis robot should appear at the world origin.

- in the top-right Entity Manager panel expand the tree and look for 'Sixi3`. Select it.
- in the bottom-right Component Manager there should be block such as PoseComponent, MeshFromFile, MaterialComponent, and RobotComponent.
- in RobotComponent select
Control Panel
. The Control Panel window will open.
- There are three tabs: Jog, Program, Connect. Jog should be selected by default.

- in the AngleDrivePanel, left click + drag to turn the dial. notice the 3d arm moves.
- change joint and do it again. notice you are now moving a different part of the arm.
- change the scale to
and do it again. notice you are now moving at half speed.
- in the CartesianDrivePanel, move the dial. if the move is legal, the arm will move.
- change the selected direction and try again.
- change the scale and try again.
- change the Reference frame and try again.