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Exporting kernel headers for use in svc

Exporting kernel headers for use by userspace is here

Kernel header files are used by intermediate libraries (such as glibc or uClibc) and not usually directly by the apps. Here are further details:

How to use the kernel headers directly from the app

But if you really want to/have to use it directly here is a workaround, of course one of many available to use:

  1. make headers_install ARCH=x86 INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/home/xxbykowm/repos/cxl_run_qemu/workdir/linux-cxl/linux-cxl-apps
  2. Kernel installed header files to install dir. See below
$ ls
Makefile  cscope.files  cscope.out  cxl_app  cxl_app.c  cxl_app.o  include
  1. A file, include/linux/cxl_mem.h, implementing the symbols for CXL IOCTL includes <linux/types.h> that is for the kernel, not user-space so that work it around by #ifdef __KERNEL__ separating from user and kernel-specific code and adding in our own header for the types, such as __u32 the kernel uses. Also add an include path -I./include_wa_kernel_headers to the Makefile for the header kernel_types.h to be searched for.
xxbykowm@ubuntu:~/repos/cxl_run_qemu/workdir/linux-cxl/linux-cxl-apps$ git diff include/linux/cxl_mem.h
diff --git a/include/linux/cxl_mem.h b/include/linux/cxl_mem.h
index 836bc7d..f9ab469 100644
--- a/include/linux/cxl_mem.h
+++ b/include/linux/cxl_mem.h
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@
 #ifndef _CXL_MEM_H_
 #define _CXL_MEM_H_
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
 #include <linux/types.h>
+#include <kernel_types.h>
$ cat ./include_wa_kernel_headers/kernel_types.h 
#ifndef __KERNEL_TYPES_H  
#define __KERNEL_TYPES_H 

#include <stdint.h>

typedef uint8_t  u8;
typedef uint16_t  u16;
typedef uint32_t  u32;
typedef uint64_t  u64;

typedef uint8_t  __u8;
typedef uint16_t  __u16;
typedef uint32_t  __u32;
typedef uint64_t  __u64;

  1. Finally, include the kernel header file #include "include/linux/cxl_mem.h to the app
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