User Guide ‐ Main interface ‐ Others ‐ Scoreboard - MarechJ/hll_rcon_tool GitHub Wiki

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Scoreboard is a CRCON's plugin that displays game stats and infos in a dedicated Discord channel.

[!NOTE] CRCON doesn't need Scoreboard to work.




If you want to enable it, there is 2 mandatory settings you have to configure :

In VISUAL mode


In CODE mode

  1. public_scoreboard_url :
    The URL you use to connect to CRCON's stats (public) interface.
    If you only manage one game server (and didn't change the default ports values in the hll_rcon_tool/.env file),
    it should look like this :

    "public_scoreboard_url": "",  

    If you're using a (sub)domain to access your CRCON,
    ie : your public interface is on https://crcon-stats.domain.ext/, you don't need to specify the port :

    "public_scoreboard_url": "https://crcon-stats.domain.ext/",
  2. hooks :
    One (or several) Discord webhook(s) that will display the game stats.
    It should look like this :

      "hooks": [
          "url": ""

[!NOTE] If you dont know how to create a Discord webhook, you can have a look at this video.

Additional configuration

Increase refresh delays (optional)

You also can increase the refresh delays of the three parts displayed (game info, map rotation players stats),
thus avoiding to spam your Discord channel and trigger the Discord rate limit :

Recommended : not less than 60 (one minute) :

  • header_gamestate_time_between_refreshes
    "header_gamestate_time_between_refreshes": 120,
  • map_rotation_time_between_refreshes
    "map_rotation_time_between_refreshes": 120,
  • player_stats_time_between_refreshes
    "player_stats_time_between_refreshes": 120,

Emojis display issue

If faction emojis appear as text (e.g., :ico_US:) instead of displaying correctly,
check your Discord webhook role permissions.
By default, webhooks use the @everyone role permission, so you must grant the @everyone role permission to "Use External Emoji" in the channel where Scoreboard is posting.


Restart Scoreboard service

The new parameters should be enabled as soon as Scoreboard rereads its configuration.

That could take as long as your shortest "time between refreshes".
If you don't want to wait, just stop and restart Scoreboard's service in Settings / Services.
