Troubleshooting & Help ‐ Need help ? ‐ Report an issue - MarechJ/hll_rcon_tool GitHub Wiki

🧭 You are here : Wiki home / Troubleshooting & Help / Need help ? / Report an issue

Please respect peoples time and energy and at least attempt to solve your problem by searching this Wiki / CRCON's Discord / Google first

If you didn't find any relevant information, ask for help on the tech-support channel.


Please refrain from contacting people in private messages

  • This person may not be available
  • Getting an answer to your question on a public channel may help other users in the future

Try to explain what is the issue, giving details about the way to reproduce it.

Have these informations handy :

You can use a third-party tool to automatically gather all these technical infos.

  • Your machine specs (CPU, RAM, storage)
  • Your operating system (Windows, Linux, etc) details
  • CRCON install method (either git clone or zip)
  • .env file
    ⚠️ this one contains private data, such as passwords :
    only share it with a person you fully trust, or delete the passwords before sharing.
  • compose.yaml file
  • docker ps command output
  • git status command output
  • Docker logs :
    ⚠️ Some of these logs contain private data, such as passwords :
    only share their content with a person you fully trust, or delete the passwords before sharing.
    • either all containers logs :
      docker compose logs -n 200 command output
    • either a single container log :
      docker compose logs backend_1 --tail 200
      docker compose logs frontend_1 --tail 200
      docker compose logs maintenance --tail 200
      docker compose logs postgres --tail 200
      docker compose logs redis --tail 200
      docker compose logs supervisor_1 --tail 200
  • Any relevant log files (in logs/)

You can share files contents and logs using a paste bin such as