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[!NOTE] The shell commands given below assume your CRCON is installed in /root/hll_rcon_tool.
You may have installed your CRCON in a different folder.
If so, you'll have to adapt the commands below accordingly.

See this guide to get into a SSH terminal prompt.






🆘 CRCON doesn't start

  • First check you have pulled the correct Docker containers images and restart :
    You'll find the current version numbers to use in the git checkout command on the Releases Tags page :


    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
    git fetch --tags
    git checkout v11.1.0
    docker compose pull
    docker compose down
    docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
  • If it still doesn't start, you may have a configuration error.
    We'll have to check two files.

    • compose.yaml

      • If you only manage one game server in CRCON,
        make sure you're using the right compose.yaml file version :
        cp /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml.old
        rm /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml
        cp /root/hll_rcon_tool/docker-templates/one-server.yaml /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml
      • If you manage more than one game server in CRCON,
        you'll have to edit the "10 servers version" to fit your needs.
        cp /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml.old
        rm /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml
        cp /root/hll_rcon_tool/docker-templates/ten-servers.yaml /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml
        Edit /root/hll_rcon_tool/compose.yaml, following the installation procedure instructions.
        Basically, it's just about deleting the unused servers parts.
        You don't have to enter any information.
    • .env
      This is the main configuration file where CRCON finds the Game server's RCON IP and credentials.
      Check the parameters values you've entered are correct, as described in the installation procedure instructions.

      • :warning: If you've already set a HLL_DB_PASSWORD= value : do NOT change it !
      • :warning: If you've already set a RCONWEB_API_SECRET= value : do NOT change it !
      • Double check the RCON IP in HLL_HOST=
      • Double check the RCON port in HLL_PORT=
        :warning: It is NOT the same as the game server (query) or SFTP ports.
      • Double check the RCON password in HLL_PASSWORD=
      • ... repeat process for server #2, #3, etc if you manage more than one game server.

    Now you're sure about these two files, try to restart CRCON :

    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
    docker compose down
    docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

    If CRCON still doesn't start,
    ask for help on CRCON's Discord tech-support channel.
    Don't forget to say you've already been through these diagnosis steps.

🆘 I can't get into the CRCON interface at all

  • Check for your CRCON Docker containers statuses :

    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
    docker compose ps

    All should be up and running :


    If all containers are up :
    CRCON is working the way it should.

    • check you're using the right url to access your CRCON.
      By default, it's located in http://(your VPS IP):8010 (first -or only- server)
    • If you're using a domain name, try using the IP instead.
    • If you're using https://, try using http:// instead.
    • On your PC : check for any firewall or proxy that could block your VPS IP and/or 8010 port.
    • On your VPS : check for any firewall or proxy that could block your PC IP.

    If one containers isn't up :

    • try to relaunch CRCON :
      cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
      docker compose down
      docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
      Wait for one minute or two, then recheck for the containers statuses.
      cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
      docker compose ps
      • If one of them is still down or restarting in loop (compare CREATED and STATUS times) :
        Ask for this container's logs (choose the relevant command line) :
        docker compose logs backend_1 --tail 200
        docker compose logs frontend_1 --tail 200
        docker compose logs maintenance --tail 200
        docker compose logs postgres --tail 200
        docker compose logs redis --tail 200
        docker compose logs supervisor_1 --tail 200
        docker compose logs webhook_service --tail 200
        If you don't see/understand any obvious error message,
        ask for help on CRCON's Discord tech-support channel.
        Don't forget to say you've already been through these diagnosis steps.
        You also should show the logs you've got (copy-paste them in and share the link)

🆘 I can enter the CRCON interface, but I can't see any data from my game server

A fully working and well-configured CRCON should display something like this :

image (the green zones are the ones where you should see your game server's data)

If any of these are blank or returning a "no data" status : CRCON can't retrieve them for some reason.

● Check the game server is running

Yep. That may sound a bit "easy", but... ;)

● Double-check the game server's parameters values in .env file :

    :warning: It is NOT the same as the game server (query) or SFTP ports.

[!IMPORTANT] Any change made to the .env file requires a CRCON restart to be taken in account.
Restarting CRCON Docker containers :

cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
docker compose down
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

● Check for your CRCON Docker containers statuses :

cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
docker compose ps

All should be up and running :


If one of these isn't up and running : please follow this guide.

🆘 I can't get into admin panel, CRCON returns a "CSRF" error

  • First time you're trying to enter ?
    -> You must have missed the step #5 of the installation procedure
  • It was working before ?
    -> You may have moved CRCON to a new VPS (or your VPS IP has changed, or you changed the private UI port) and forgot to redo that mandatory step.

🆘 I can't update CRCON : I get an error when I enter the git checkout command

You may have modified one or more files that need to be updated.
As it doesn't want you to loose your modified files, Git refuses to replace them with the newer official versions.

If you have modified these files for a reason, you'll have to make a backup of them (so you'll keep your modifications handy if you want to redo them in the new file).

Let's say Git complains about finding this modified file : rcon/
Here's how to make a backup of it and restore the original version :

cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
cp rcon/ rcon/
git restore rcon/

Now you can retry the git checkout command and, as long as you've restored all the modified files to their original versions, it should not complain anymore.

You may then redo the modifications you previously made in the files.

🆘 I've updated CRCON following the official procedure, but its version remains the same

Check your .envfile for the TAGGED_VERSION= parameter value.
It should read :


If you have any other string than latest after the = sign, change it to latest.

Then redo the official update procedure.

🆘 I've changed HLL_DB_PASSWORD= in the .env file, now CRCON doesn't start

You changed the PostgreSQL database password in .env while the database has already been used ?
Now your CRCON can't access it anymore, as the database container still expects the "old" password.
You'll get a unhealthy status on the maintenance container.

These commands can change the database password to match the one you've set for HLL_DB_PASSWORD= in the .env file.

:warning: Check the comments in the .env file for forbidden characters, such as ?, %, $, @, :, / or !.
Keep it "simple", as the postgres Docker container will never be exposed out of the Docker environment :
You'd better only use alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9).

cd /root/hll_rcon_tool
docker compose down
docker compose exec -it postgres psql -U rcon -c "ALTER USER rcon WITH PASSWORD 'YourNewPassword';"
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

🆘 I've changed RCONWEB_API_SECRET= in the .env file, now I can't log into CRCON anymore

The RCONWEB_API_SECRET= parameter value is used to scramble the users passwords before storing them in the database.

Changing it after having the users accounts created will invalidate existing passwords.

You have two choices to get out of this situation :

  • put the previous (working) RCONWEB_API_SECRET= value back
  • recreate users accounts

Recreating users accounts will require you to log into the CRCON admin panel.
As you can't use any existing "superuser" account anymore, you won't be able to log in until you create a new "superuser" using this procedure.

🆘 I have lost/don't have access to the admin panel

The only person who has "superuser" status is missing ?

  • Give "superuser" status to an existing user
    This command will enable "superuser" status on any existing "normal" CRCON account,
    this user will then be able to administrate other users in the Admin panel.
    (Change yourusername to an existing user name account)
    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool  
    docker compose exec -it postgres psql -U rcon -c "UPDATE auth_user SET is_superuser = true WHERE username = 'yourusername';"  

You have lost your only "superuser" account's password ?

  • Method 1 : create a new "superuser" account
    You'll get some prompts where you'll define a username, its e-mail address (can be left blank) and its password (2 times).
    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool  
    docker compose exec -it backend_1 python3 rconweb/ createsuperuser  
  • Method 2 : change your "superuser" account's password
    You'll get a prompt (2 times) to define a new password.
    (Change yourusername to an existing "superuser" name account)
    cd /root/hll_rcon_tool  
    docker compose exec -it backend_1 python3 rconweb/ changepassword yourusername  

🆘 My Discord webhooks don't work (anymore)

Discord webhooks configurations are pretty straightforward : enter the url in the settings area and they should work.

  • If your webhook never worked :
    You may have a typo in the url, or it hasn't been defined as expected in the json CODE window (though there is a json syntax check that should prevent to enter badly formatted code).
  • If your webhook suddenly stopped from working :
    You may face a Discord webhook rate limitation.
    See this guide to verify your Discord server has been limited and get instructions to get out of this limitation.

🆘 CRCON Live view reports strange (negative) times

You may see strange arrival times on your Live view : image

Most common reason for that is : your VPS clock isn't synchronized with UTC timezone.

Check for the date command output.


If it doesn't report the same time as the one you'll find on,
enter these commands to install and configure a service that will keep this clock in sync :

apt install systemd-timesyncd
systemctl start systemd-timesyncd
systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd
timedatectl set-ntp true
timedatectl set-timezone UTC

Now check for the date command output and your Live view times again.

🆘 I tried to increase NB_API_WORKERS in the .env file and I get various errors

As said in the .env file, increasing NB_API_WORKERS parameter value should get you "better performance".
In fact, several people tried to increase it and only got database access errors and/or API commands failures.

This often happens if you are managing more than one game server in CRCON, but can occur using only one, too.

As the promised "better performance" remains to be proven anyway, you're advised to NOT increase NB_API_WORKERS parameter value.

If you did so, revert it back to 1 and restart CRCON.

🆘 I've set a domain name to access CRCON. I can't switch game servers view in UI.

Check you can access all you servers using their IP:port addresses.

The CRCON private web interface can be reached from all over the world, in any web browser.
For example (replace with your VPS IP) :

  • Server 1 :
  • Server 2 :
  • Server 3 :

If you can reach all the servers using IP:port, you have a configuration issue in your (sub)domains definitions.