Pushing to try server - Mardak/tiles-dev GitHub Wiki

Get the hg mozilla-central repo

hg clone https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/ mozilla-central

Mess with mq - a patch queue management system

The tutorial page is here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mercurial_Queues

Here's an example of using mq to push to try server

 hg qremove patch.diff
 hg pull -u   # update the repo
 hg qimport ../tiles-dev/patch.diff  # import patch to mq
 hg qapp      # see what's in the queue
 hg qseries   # see the sequence of applied patches
 hg qpush     # push a single patch from the queue to source
 ### if you have try patch - add a message to is, otherwise create a try patch with hg qnew
 hg qref -m "try: -b do -p linux,linux64,macosx64,win32 -u mochitests,xpcshell"   # update the patch - stands for qrefresh
 hg push -f ssh://hg.mozilla.org/try/    # push patch to try server

Useful links