Patch generation and submission - Mardak/tiles-dev GitHub Wiki
Generate patch
To generate patch run "git diff", note that commits (or branches) need to be used in reverse order.
>> git -lg
* c7ed299 - (HEAD, origin/bug993904, **bug993904**) Read directory links from cached file. (6 days ago) <Maxim Zhilyaev>
* a28dbd4 - (into bug993901) Bug 993904 - Use cached directory links instead of locally packaged links (6 days ago) <Maxim Zhilyaev>
* 9efbd2c - (origin/bug993901, **bug993901**) Download directory on init. (6 days ago) <Maxim Zhilyaev>
>> git diff -U8 **bug993901..bug993904** > bug993904.patch
Then attach patch to appropriate bugzilla bug
Getting patch ready for final push
Add a some hg headers and a commit message to a patch if it is ready to land
# HG changeset patch
# User Maxim Zhilyaev <[email protected]>
Bug 993906 - Package and send appropriate data with remotely hosted links request.
Useful links
- an overview of submitting patches to bugzilla
- If other people submit your patches you do this: