Solution structure - MarcosPiedra/CalculatorService GitHub Wiki
The solution structure are focused in a domain where the domain contains the business logic with the anemic models.
Are composed by the following projects:
Contains all the configurations files (json) and the classes needed it for mapping the configuration.
A simple client that is doing requests to the server. Does not use classes just static functions.
Components and services that belong to the infrastructure.
Components, services and models of the domain. That contains:
- Models: Animic models.
- Operations: Calculation necessary for each operation. The operations are separated by classes.
Service for tracking and the repository.
Definition of the db context and their configuration (mapping to the db separated by files)
- Setup and configuration of the host used for MVC .net core.
- Controllers: Definition of the method of the service.
- DTOs: Used for the request and response.
- Mapping: Configurations of AutoMapper.
- Middleware: Pipeline to handle requests. There is a class for manage exceptions basically belongs in controllers.
- Validation: Rules configure with FluentValidation
Testing all the components together (focused in a feature).
Individual test for each component.