Password Reset - MarcoLagalla/marette_backend GitHub Wiki

For Password Reset we have two endpoints


Name AskPasswordReset
Description Ask for a password reset token
URL api/v1/account/password/reset
Allowed methods POST
Authorizations AllowAny


Generate a one-time token that is sent to the email address specified during registration.

Field Type Required Unique Comments
email string yes yes

Return codes

Status Description
HTTP_200_OK reset email sent
HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND not existing email
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST invalid parameters


Name ConfirmPasswordReset
Description Provided the right token, change password
URL api/v1/account/password/reset/confirm
Allowed methods POST
Authorizations AllowAny


Provided the right reset token, allows setting a new password.

Field Type Required Unique Comments
token string yes yes
password string yes yes
password2 string yes yes must match password

Return codes

Status Description
HTTP_200_OK password changed
HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND invalid reset token
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST invalid parameters