Password Change - MarcoLagalla/marette_backend GitHub Wiki

Name Password Change
Description Change user's password and renew auth token
URL api/v1/account/password/<int:id>/change
Allowed methods PUT
Authorizations IsAuthenticated



It allows an authenticated user to change his own password. Destroys and renew the stored authentication token, this action has to be performed also by the client, updating the auth_token cookie.

Field Type Required Unique Comments
old_password string yes no
new_password string yes no
new_password2 string yes no

Return value


    "password": "password changed",
    "token": "f090e198ad841e72f2176d9be2645833034d597a"

HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN If the Auth Token is missing.

    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST If old_password is wrong.

    "old_password": "wrong password."
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