Edit MenuEntry - MarcoLagalla/marette_backend GitHub Wiki

Name Edit MenuEntry
Description Edit an existing MenuEntry
URL api/v1/webapp/restaurant/<int:id>/menus/<int:m_id>/entry/<int:me_id>/edit
Allowed methods POST
Authorizations IsAuthenticated, IsBusiness, IsOwner


Name Type Description
<int:id> int Restaurant ID
<int:m_id> int Menu ID
<int:me_id> int MenuEntry ID


Field Type Required Unique Comments
name string yes no
num_products string no no The maximum number of choices for this Entry, default=1
products list no no List of Product id

Return codes

Status Description
HTTP_200_OK MenuEntry updated
HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND Restaurant/Token not found
HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED Wrong Token for this restaruant
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST Error in parameters
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