Business Registration - MarcoLagalla/marette_backend GitHub Wiki

Name Customer Registration
Description Allow registering a new business user
URL api/v1/account/business
Allowed methods POST
Authorizations AllowAny


Allows registering a new business user.

Field Type Required Unique Comments
avatar image no no can be omitted
username string yes yes
email string yes yes used for login
password string yes yes equals to password2
password2 string yes yes equals to password
first_name string yes no
last_name string yes no
birth_date date yes no YYYY-MM-DD
cf string yes yes italian ssn
city string yes no
address string yes no
n_civ string yes no
cap numeric yes no
phone numeric yes yes valid phone number
    "avatar": <ImageFile>,
    "data": {
	"username": "Gestore",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "1234",
        "password2": "1234",
        "phone": "3456765345",
        "first_name": "Mastro",
        "last_name": "Lindo",
        "birth_date": "1995-04-20",
        "cf": "MSTLND94D20F205M",
        "city": "Torino",
        "address": "Via san GIovanni Bosco",
        "n_civ": "9",
        "cap": 16879

If all parameters are valid, returns --> HTTP_201_CREATED or otherwise --> HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

Also returns the Authentication Token:

    "response": "successfully registered a new business user",
    "username": "pippo34",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "token": "3fdf5d982f82549023bce35c751920bb6a36174e",
    "id": 4
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