Add Product - MarcoLagalla/marette_backend GitHub Wiki

Name Add Product
Description List all products for the restaurant
URL api/v1/webapp/restaurant/<int:id>/products/add
Allowed methods POST
Authorizations IsAuthenticated, IsBusiness, IsOwner


Allows the owner of the restaurant to add a Product to the available products. The users that make the request must have the authorization token associated with the owner of the activity.

Field Type Required Unique Comments
name string yes no
description string yes no
image File no no If null returns a placeholder based on Category
category string yes no FOOD_CATEGORY_CHOICES
price decimal yes no
iva integer yes no Range [0-100]%, default=22%
tags list no no List of ProductTag id
discounts list no no List of ProductDiscount id
show_image bool no no default=True
available bool no no default=True

The backend look for MultiPartParser, FormParser, FileUploadParser because of the different type of input data, so it must be setted an Header: "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data;"

N.B. The request has to be stacked in two-level, to handle the presence of the image file.

"image": <FormData File>,
"data": {
	"name": "Semplice col cotto",
	"description": "Panino semplice ma buono",
	"category": "Panini e Piadine",
	"price": "5",
        "iva": 22,
	"tags": [1,2],  <-- These IDs must be retrieved with a Call To ProductTagsList
	"discounts" : [3] <-- These IDs must be retrieved with a Call To ProductDiscountsList

Return codes

Status Description
HTTP_201_CREATED Product added
HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND Restaurant/Token not found
HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED Wrong Token for this restaruant
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST Error in parameters
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️