Tips, Tricks, and UI Features - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki

Less Known UI Features

  • The small arrow that can appear on the outside of the minimap points in the direction of the next system in your travel route

  • You can rearrange turret and weapon placement on your ships in the Ship Info panel (i)

  • Clicking on the landscape picture while on a planet will take you back to the planet description.

  • In the map you can plan an entire route using J and Shift+J or tab/shift+tab, and delete/backspace.
    You can shift+click to carefully plan your route on the map screen

  • You can select multiple ships in the Outfitter, Shipyard, and Info panel using shift+click or ctrl+click, this also means you can sell multiple ships at once.

  • The Info Panel 'i' can be used to park ships when landed on a planet.

  • You can reorganize ships while in the Info Panel while landed.

  • The Info Panel hasa a dump cargo button which can dump cargo when in flight by selecting specific cargo or dump all cargo by selecting none

  • Clicking on a ship's name in the Ship Info tab of the Info Panel allows you to rename the ship.

  • While on the Ports/Missions screen in the Map Panel you can press 'f' to search for a particular system.

  • While on the Ports screen in the Map Panel, if you have a system selected you can click on the stellar bodies on the system's minimap. If you've visited that location the location's description will be shown.

  • While on the Ports screen in the Map Panel: In the top left you can click on basically every single line of information to display additional informations or filters related to those things in the galaxy.

  • While on the Missions screen in the Map Panel, you can press 'a' to accept a mission, shift+a to cancel a mission, and hold shift+a to cancel multiple missions.

  • While on the Outfitter/Shipyard screen in the Map Panel you can press 'f' to search for a particular outfit/ship.

  • While on the Outfitter/Shipyard screen in the Map Panel you can shift+click on another outfit/ship while you have one selected to see a comparison.

  • Selecting a commodity in the Trade Panel will have that commodity selected when you go to the map 'm'.

  • You can hold alt to see what shortcut keys are available on a given panel.

  • ctrl, shift, and alt, will modify the amount of items you are buying or selling, this includes crew, ships, and outfits!

  • You can specify numbers in game with upper or lower case letter modifiers: 1K, 2m, 3B, etc, this is primarily useful for loans.

  • You can specify numbers in mission files using exponent shorthand: 1e6

  • in debug mode ./endless-sky --debug you can press backtick ` to pause the game and toggling capslock will lower the framerate

Tips 'N Tricks

  • fighters/drones in a bay use excess shield and hull regeneration from their parent to regenerate, if your docked fighter isn't healing it's because the parent is hurt

  • Missile tracking types do matter, infrared tracks better if your ship is currently hot, Optical tracks based on a target's mass, and Radar is mitigated by radar jamming outfits.

  • boarding an enemy vessel with your flagship will steal the enemie's fuel

  • Crew are able to make use of one offensive stat increaser and one defensive stat increaser each and will choose the best available of what you have installed. Crew have base stats of 1 attack and 2 defense each. If your ship has Laser Rifle and Fragmentation Grenades your crewman's attack is 2.3 and defense is 2.8 because Fragmentation Grenades' attack was higher and Laser Rifle's defense was higher. Notice that Fragmentation Grenades' .3 defense was discarded because Laser Rifle's defense was better.