QualityChecklist - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki
If you're looking to write content that will eventually become part of the main game, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
All graphics:
- Use a Debian-compatible license. (Ideally, one of the licenses the existing artwork uses.)
- Provide an @2x version for high-dpi monitors.
- Provide access to all files used to create the graphics (Blender models, GIMP files, etc.) so someone else can edit them later if necessary.
- Make sure the sprite is a single connected component so that collision detection works properly.
- Define sensible hardpoints.
- Balance the ship's capabilities with other ships in the same price range.
- 3D renders should be post-processed to look grungier and less artificial.
- Colored sections should span the range from red to yellow so faction-specific color swizzling will work properly.
- Provide outfit thumbnails at normal and @2x resolution.
- If the outfit is a secondary weapon, provide normal and @2x icons.
- Decide which outfitters will sell the outfit.
- An outfit's cost should reflect how good it is compared to other outfits of the same size.
- Where possible, have outfits be better in some ways and worse in others, compared to existing ones, rather than better in every single way.
Landscape photos:
- Should be photos or photo-realistic.
- Include both sky and ground in the image.
- Remove people from the image if possible.
- Photos should be realistic (no exaggerated color / contrast).
- Avoid foreground objects (trees, houses, people, etc.).
New star systems:
- The planet sprites with city lights should only be used for inhabited planets.
- Planet descriptions should roughly track whether they're in the hot or the cold range of the habitable zone.
- System name text should not overlap when the map is viewed at 100%.
- Try to put something funny or interesting in each planet description.
- Planet descriptions must be short enough to fit in the landing UI.
- New systems that are inside human space won't be accepted into the main game data unless there's a good plot reason for them.
New missions:
- Text should be as concise as possible. Remember this is a game, not a novel.
- The "yes, I want this mission" choice in a conversation should usually come first in the list (so it is the default).
- Conversations should not imply that the player is a certain gender or use gendered pronouns for the player (call them "kid" or "Captain" or
New sounds:
- Use a Debian-compatible license.
- Provide a copy of your raw working files used to create the sound, if possible.