Permadeath and Hardcore - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki

This fork contains a branch called permadeath-mode that includes fixes for the regular game and additional gameplay modes to enhance your play.

In the player's save file is a new section called modes where these are enabled. UI support to enable them ingame is in the works.

pilot Scroopy Noopers
date 22 8 3014
system "Tania Australis"
planet Ingot

Hardcore Mode forces you to only use one save file while in game for the pilot who has it set. Got a bad habbit of save-scumming? Beat it with Hardcore Mode! This mode also makes ship losses permanent.

Permadeath Mode will delete all of a pilot's save files any time that pilot dies.
Eventually it will include a sort of leaderboard that keeps track of your deceased captains, tracking their final net worth, combat ranking, licenses, flagship, and possibly more.