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The Republic is government by elected members of Parliament. Worlds with large populations may have several representatives. In regions of space where planets are sparsely populated, a single member of parliament may represent an entire sector. Members of parliament are almost always elected from among the very wealthiest people, because of the cost of frequent space travel and other expenses associated with running a political campaign. Some people say that Parliament is entirely dominated by the Syndicate and the rich Paradise worlds, and does not look out for the interests of the poorer planets.
The Navy
Although the Navy is technically a military organization, in these relatively peaceful times a member of the Navy may serve for years without ever having to fight against another human being. In fact, if you have ethical or religious objections to the use of violence you can serve in the Humanitarian Corps and never be asked to fight a battle. The Navy is held in very high regard throughout human space, as protectors of the peace and servants of all. Navy officers take truthfulness and honor very seriously and can be counted on to fulfill any promises they make regardless of the personal cost.
Republic Intelligence
Answering to Parliament rather than to the Navy, Intelligence is an organization with its own warships, private detention centers, and spy networks. It is said that very little that goes on in human space escapes their notice. It is also said that it is impossible to lie to the Questioners who work for the Intelligence bureau. Intelligence is regarded with suspicion by many ordinary citizens, and by many senior Navy officers as well. (In fact, the Navy has their own separate Intelligence branch so that they will never be forced to rely on information from Republic Intelligence.)
The Syndicate
The Syndicate is a powerful corporation that controls most of the worlds in the Core. Although technically part of the Republic, they have been given considerable autonomy to govern their own territory. All Syndicate leaders are male, and nearly all of them are fundamentalist atheists: that is, people who think atheism is the One True Religion and who treat members of other religions with open prejudice and disdain. The Syndicate is the source of much of the Republic's tax revenue, so Parliament seldom interferes in their business. Although criticized by some for their close ties to slave-trading pirates and for the outright misogyny of their leadership, the Syndicate is also recognized as the largest employer in human space, and people who need stable work flock to their planets.
The Southern Mutual Defense Pact
The Navy has increasingly taken to only defending the richer Paradise Worlds and left the southern part of human space to fend for itself. The Pact is the result of that: a loose coalition of planetary militias pledged to aid each other against any major pirate threat. Unlike the Syndicate, their leadership is almost half female... and almost entirely white, although this is mainly due to the demographics of the Rim and Dirt Belt worlds that they draw their members from. The Pact militias are generally viewed as heroes in the south, but regarded with suspicion by the citizens of the richer worlds in the North.
Humanity is in regular contact with the Quarg, an extremely advanced alien species who inhabit a few worlds in the southeastern corner of human space. The Quarg can only live on small moons where the gravity and atmospheric pressure are far too low for human survival, which means that they are not in direct competition with humans for worlds to settle on.
In terms of other alien species, there are rumors of alien marauders in the Core, and of a secretive species called the Drak who are even more advanced than the Quarg who serve as a sort of galactic police.