Current Bugs - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki
holding the jump key while out of fuel will spam an alert noise instead of playing it once
a world ship firing banishers at me had them blocked by multiple asteroids but it still pushed my ship
alt + clicking hire button on hire crew panel doesn't work, but shit and ctrl combinations do
alt + h works fine -
Choosing sparrow then capturing something without earning combat rep for it will push your cargo space into the next bracket and you'll stop getting small escort missions because your cargo is too high and your combat rating too low
docking with a ship that flies off while you're in the 'slide' part of docking will cause you to move very rapidly
sometimes when you go to hyperspace you don't arrive in the same spot as your escorts when you leave at the same time, difficult to reproduce as reloading the game fixes iut
additionally sometimes the fleet tends to gather on a spot that isn't the flagship when idle, though moving tends to fix that. are both these problems related to when the 'fleet center' is calculated? -
Stealing an integral part from a ship, capturing it, then landing at an outfitter in the same system will cause you to be unable to leave the outfitter without closing the game
dieing from a conversation doesn't pop panels properly
provoked merchant clipper kept trying to attack me, stayed in typical laser range and position but wasn't firing anything, should't have beena power issue as I wasn't attacking its shields, another personality bug?
escort mission enemy disabled my ship and then stopped acting, allowed itself to be attacked by others without reacting. if I was repaired it would become active again. repeatable with very first escort missions available to a new pilot
possibly related to personalities -
Missions escorts will sometimes fire on disabled enemy ships
ships continue to message you after you die, fixed in little-fixes
I left my fleet on gather and drifted in a system for 4 hours, when I returned the framerate was dying, jumping to a new system was better but didn't fix it completely
if your ship is landed on a planet but also disabled you can't leave
drak archon animation may not be playing, check it -- it plays, it's just very subtle
The Deneb wormhole ends won't be marked as visited due to a missing
entry but ultimate thule's will.
entry is omitted so that a wormhole link won't be drawn to the distance pug system
this was partly fixed recently in that the coloring of a system's visited-completion won't be changed by wormhole presence but the visited/not visited tag under the wormhole 'planet' still doesn't register without aplanet
entry -
being overtop of a non-landable planet will trigger the "you can't land here for x reason" message even if you have a landing target already. This is probably not actually an issue since it's nearly pointless to have this message at all if it doesn't show up all the time since you can't clear a planetary target
going to the map screen and changing your route while powering up for a jump results in a reset route post-jump and a message saying you can't jump to the selected system, changing your route while powering down from a jump doesn't do this and simply adopts the new path
intermittent blank landscape picture loading makes any landscape using that image not load, eg. any land using
landscape land/badlands6
if that image doesn't load no planet using it will have it
Likely cause is that after an image is queued it's added to the preloaded list but if the image fails to load it won't be made to load again because it's already in the preloaded list. an image can't be guaranteed to have been tried to be loaded until SpriteQueue::Finish() has returned so a check would need to come after that. Technically you could check if load worked when the file is being loaded but then you'd need a failqueue since they load asyncronously
this could happen for any deferred image, but only land/ images are deferred currently -
large battles in mesuket are causing framerate lag issues with low reported cpu and gpu use, posibly a single thread chokepoint somewhere. these battles involved a large number of mines, but they would also have a unreal number of repeater shots so that's a possible cuplrit as well
this is more obvious in a debug build but with large enough battles will occur with a release build too
in the last large battle there were a lot of disabled ships so perhaps an optimization could involved skipping disabled ships, depends on the culprit. I doubt it's collision because an unreal shitload of mines didn't slow things down. -
game should inform you when you fail to board due to being cloaked, shouldn't prevent it though in case you want to get in close with 'b' then drop cloak to board at last second
cloaking device that runs out of fuel will fail to cloak you and continue to drain fuel, should turn off with out of fuel message so your fuel can recharge if it can
technically you could run a play where when you're near to the system center your ramscoops push enough fuel to keep you cloaked and you fly in an out of range to mess with enemies, but it's not exactly hard to press 'c' so it should really just shut off when empty -
ships sometimes jitter in place and blur, turning might need a fudge factor or blurring might need one or there's possibly a rounding issue when deciding which direction to face since this happens most when the ships don't have targets and are mimicking the player's actions
quarg wardragon ran out of fuel in Feroteri, left when I refueled it, not sure if its friends left without or or why it was still there
saw lone quarg run out of fuel in human space, fuel isn't being rationed properly for jump drives? -
sometimes the travel route is blank despite actually having a route set, possibly happens from messing with the m button often during travel?
ships whose only thrusters are reverse can't move in normal cases, basically all it can do is turn and stop for jumps while in the same system as the player, why can the drak do this?
ingeniously the drak have a turret that seems to push them backwards each shot as long as it's trained on an enemy -
if you land on a planet while an escort is refueling on another planet it will recharge shields and hull if able but it won't fill up fuel
this could be added to TakeOff to refuel ships which are landed on other planets where able -
there are oddities related to unparking ships that aren't in the same system as you, specifically fighters
they seem to all choose one ship as parent and they won't fit when it's fill so they take off and sit in the system instead
other carrier ships will leave to join you but one will stay behind to try to load fighters, but it can't do that when you're not in the system
the following two issues are related -
when reentering the a system with fighters in it to pick up they all try to load en masse on one ship at a time, this is weird because the 'd' toggle seems to let them pick separate targets easily, maybe parents had been determined to cause that
if you leave an escort waiting for fighters to dock it will stay in the system waiting for them to dock forever since they don't seem to be able to when you're not present
mission escorts can refuel at planets you can't, there's no real reason for unfettered to be okay with a navy escort refueling if they don't like you
there seems to be cases where an empty target causes ships to fly off into the wild blue yonder
pressing certain buttons while in the map panel passes them through to the main panel, e.g. you can turn off autopilot by pressing any of the AutopilotCancelKeys while on the map. Since AutopilotCancelKeys are only available in AI.cpp it means that map key presses are bleeding through to AI::UpdateKeys
extra crew hired for your other ships, while not contributing to anything on the hire screen or crew salaries, seems to be counting against space for being able to accept missions
the sell-off warning for outfits will check if your total space works but doesn't take into account being able to fit everything in real ship holds. items not fitting in this fashion will be sold without warning. recommend to abstract out the ship-cargoloading code to be used in this check as well as actual loading of ship cargo
e.g.: 3 sparrows (15 cargo each) can not take off with 2 Liquid Nitrogen Coolers (20 space each), despite their 45 cargo space holding 2 coolers as a total. Because the total can be held no warning will be issued. -
friendly units that dock to repair you (sometimes?) don't stay for the 2 second they should to make a dock apparent
player disabled and not destroyed by single wasp enemy during escort mission, wasp stopped moving and let nearby ships disable it despite escorted ship still being active.
game does not gracefully handle non-existent systems and especially planets during player load, segfaults when querying a non-existent planet's government, map screen can segfault with wrong system or map info, ships can get lost, invalid systems/planets typically come about from mods, some day a change in game files or mod toggling might cause this to be a larger issue so it should be addressed
most reasonably the game could default missing info to the sources determined in StartConditions.cpp -
if you map a maximum distance route: when you're currently jumping to hyperspace you've just paid your fuel cost but you're not in the next system yet, if you hit 'm' during this period the route on the map will claim you're able to make one less jump than you actually can, almost certainly because it's checking against your now diminished fuel ammount vs the system you're technically still in. once jump completes this fixes itself but is odd and potentially confusing to people. probably easiest just to add a step to the route color if you're currently hyperspacing
recently saw route displaying my first jump as green and the rest as yellow but the only ship with so little fuel for one jump was disabled so technically couldn't make any jumps and was many systems away
similar situation when I have two ships stranded in the kor system
apparently the drawing logic for travel plans is based on ships hyperspace type and fuel totals, the strange color is because the disabled ships has the fuel to make that jump even though it can't do it until it's repaired
if a ship can't eventually make it to the same path as the player its fuel shouldn't play a role in the coloring, if anything the route should be solid yellow since part of your fleet can make none of the motions, e.g. capturing a kor mereti/sestor ship and your fleet leaving kor space. -
recently when I came back into the system a disabled enemy ship ended up located over a station it could land on and it seemed to try it a few times before drifting off it, the ship was disabled though